Wang Zhen's voice had faltered, but Song Chi could discern the shifting intonation within.
He nodded slightly, signaling Wang to continue.
"But in the past few months, I've had multiple reports of disturbances from my subordinates, and I myself have received threats, implying that we should cease our acquisitions."
Song Chi's eyes narrowed as he pondered.
"Do you know who specifically?"
Wang Zhen shook his head.
"The other party hasn't shown their face, only sent messengers, one of whom was an Extreme Cruiser Captain. I suspect it's related to the other four powerful families."
Song Chi nodded without uttering a word immediately.
The "other four families" mentioned by Wang Zhen were not hard to understand; they were simply the other four titans of the Duchy. After musing for a moment, a glow passed over his hand, and then he tossed a dark-colored medal to Wang Zhen.
His tone was forceful as he spoke: