Chapter 3 Game Name: "Zen

Lu Zhixing couldn't suppress his urge to complain, "I played the role of a tree, and then the material they actually gave me is just one tree!

"What kind of game can I make with just this tree!"

[Please be patient, players. You can also spend points to acquire materials in reality, or directly purchase materials from the game's material library. However, the latter will be more expensive.]

Lu Zhixing nodded upon hearing this, "That's true, I have more than just one tree; I also have 200 points.

"I wonder how expensive the materials are in the material library. If these points can buy a lot of resources, then the misunderstanding is resolved."

A new interface appeared in Lu Zhixing's view, but it was blank except for a search bar for the time being.

This must be the Life Role-Playing Game's own material library.

Lu Zhixing thought for a moment and randomly entered a keyword: prison.

With a "swoosh," the interface showed several different styles of prisons, including domestic, foreign, modern, ancient, and even some fantasy styles—there was everything one could think of.

Lu Zhixing casually opened a foreign-style prison, which looked very similar to the style of some prison break-themed movies or TV series.

Here, one could also customize the size of the prison, add new functional areas, and even design different shapes for the prisoners or guards. Conversely, one could only choose a small section of the area.

The larger the size, the more customization, the more expensive it is.

If one wanted to buy the complete prison template with all configurations maxed out, the price in points displayed was...


Lu Zhixing stood shocked, speechless at his meager 200 points.

"That's way too expensive! I'd have to play the role of Big Tree 400 times to afford it!"

Although the prison template was very comprehensive, and one could directly make a prison break puzzle game after purchasing it, the price was daunting for Lu Zhixing.

[Purchasing resources directly from the material library is a quicker method, thus it's pricier.]

[Players could consider sourcing materials in reality, where the points cost would be greatly reduced.]

Lu Zhixing realized, "So that's how it is."

Buying materials directly costs more points than sourcing in reality, but it is more convenient and suitable for scenarios that are difficult to acquire in reality.

For example, it's not easy to source a prison scene in reality; you can't just stroll into a prison for the experience, right?

In these cases, spending points to buy directly is much more worthwhile.

Of course, maybe it's more cost-effective to find an outsourced team in reality to make the relevant materials, provided you have the money.

"Alright then, let's try the sourcing function.

"If 200 points can source a lot of stuff, then it's acceptable."

Lu Zhixing walked out of the storeroom and cast his gaze over the entire second floor of the internet café.

The next second, an explanation appeared in his vision.

[Material - Internet Café: Spend 10,000 points to buy the internet café template. This template includes most materials related to the internet café, including the overall structure, different decorative styles, computers, tables and chairs, staff (including models and various actions), etc.]

Lu Zhixing carefully counted the zeros after the 1, and fell silent once more.

"Emmm, indeed it's a lot cheaper.

"...My ass!

"Is this your so-called 'greatly reduced points consumption'? 10,000 points, and that still means acting as Big Tree 50 times to afford it!"

Lu Zhixing looked at his pitiable 200 points, deeply feeling the embarrassment of being strapped for cash.

"I only have 200 points in total; I can't afford any large materials, and for a game's scale, that's totally inadequate!

"And the game didn't issue any new acting tasks, which means even if I wanted to continue acting as Big Tree to earn points, it's not possible now."

I used to be penniless, and now I'm without points or money.

It's frustrating!

Lu Zhixing felt somewhat discouraged, but he wasn't one to give up easily.

"I can't let difficulties beat me, when there are difficulties, tackle them, and if there are none, create them and tackle them anyway!

"Oh no, that's not right, it should be, even if there aren't the conditions, create the conditions and still move forward!

"To make a game out of these limited materials I have, I must exploit that tree's material. According to the store's pricing, that tree material must be worth at least a few hundred points, which is the most valuable material I currently have."

"Besides, whether it's buying or acquiring, narrowing the scope can also greatly reduce the required points."

"What kind of game can I make with these limited resources..."

Lu Zhixing fell into deep thought.

Actually, Life Role-Playing Game wasn't the only ace up Lu Zhixing's sleeve; he had another hidden ace, which was his past life experience.

In his previous life, he was a game company's system designer, and although essentially he was just a Brick Moving worker, his years of experience in the gaming company had given him an understanding of games that surpassed that of most people.

What's more, as a transmigrator, he had seen many outstanding works of art in that world, and this perspective could give him an overwhelming advantage over the designers here.

"I've got it!"

Lu Zhixing had a sudden inspiration.

He remembered a few very famous games from his former life, referred to as the "four great masterpieces of Steam," each one a heavyweight on its own.

And some of these games could exactly be made with the materials he had on hand!

Of course, the popularity of these games involved some luck. To ensure their success in this parallel world, some minor adaptations needed to be made.