Chapter 20: The Talent Scout's Invitation

This time, more people in the audience couldn't help it and burst out laughing.

The exaggerated and goofy dialogues with a hint of rustic charm reminded many of a few comic skits and internet catchphrases.

Like "buying a Coke to drink but pouring one out," or "buying a pancake and fruit wrap to eat one and toss one," and so on.

The humor was akin to the contrast found in sayings like "the emperor farms with a golden hoe."

Just as the lyrics said, a nouveau riche second generation who just came into wealth could only think of spending money in funny ways such as "soaking an egg pancake in instant noodles with two bulbs of garlic" or "bowl after bowl of wide noodles with meat in large bowls."

He didn't even waste food! He really did, I'm crying here.

Then, as Lu Zhixing's strumming on the guitar grew more vigorous, the song entered the chorus.

"Actually, I'm rich/I'm laying it out now/I'm laying it out now

"Actually, I'm rich/I'm laying it out now/I'm laying it out now

"Money is a bastard

"Spend it then earn it back

"Rather than becoming a miser

"Better to be charitable"

The chorus maintained the previous style, upbeat with a bit of swagger, as Lu Zhixing began to sway his body, inadvertently heating up the atmosphere in the venue, many people couldn't help but nod their heads and sway, even feeling like clapping along to the beat.

After singing the chorus twice, it went back to the verse, except the melody of the verse had some variations, and the lyrics were drastically different.

"I want to buy a big house

"Stroll from morning till night

"I want to nest on a sofa, eating and sleeping

"First, to live like that for a whole year

"I want to talk dreams with friends

"Not worrying about tomorrow

"I want to buy all the scientific achievements

"To contribute to humanity

"I want to buy all pain and sorrow

"Let them scatter in the wind

"I want to buy children's laughter

"And the time that slips away

"I want to buy all the dreams

"Watch them all come true"

After this segment, many faces in the audience showed expressions of shock.

If the lyrics of the first verse were just humorous and quirky, this segment could be described as truly stunning!

Starting simply with "buying a big house" and "lounging on a sofa eating and drinking" as preludes, everyone initially thought the segment would be about material indulgence, but unexpectedly, it was a transition, and the content of the lyrics soared from material life to spiritual aspirations.

It even continued to rise from spiritual aspirations to the ultimate ideals!

Big houses and eating and drinking represent material needs.

Talking dreams with friends is a spiritual pursuit.

But what follows, "buying scientific results," "buying pain and sorrow," "buying children's laughter," "buying all the dreams," become more and more abstract, and increasingly elevated, but because the song's tone is still grounded, those lofty things feel very down-to-earth.

A young man who went from rags to riches without knowing how to spend money, only knowing things like "soaking an egg pancake in instant noodles with two bulbs of garlic" or "bowl after bowl of wide noodles with meat in large bowls."

But what he had in mind was to use his money to buy things more valuable, things that could make the world a better place.

"Actually, I'm rich/I'm laying it out now/I'm laying it out now

"Actually, I'm rich/I'm laying it out now/I'm laying it out now

"Money is a bastard

"Spend it then earn it back

"And then say from the bottom of my heart

"Don't set your sights on money alone!"

The end of the song featured a verse similar to yodeling, paired with an almost identical whistle sound.

After repeating the familiar melody two or three times, Lu Zhixing coolly plucked the guitar strings a few times, bringing the entire song to an abrupt end.

Seeing the venue quiet down, he quietly added a sentence.

"I've finished singing, thank you."


After a brief silence, the entire venue buzzed with excitement—it was like a pot exploded!

The senior from the School of Music in charge of talent scouting was the first to speak up.

"This student! Please, you must join our School of Music's welcoming party!"

Being a professional, she could hear many details that most people in the venue might have missed.

Although the melody of the song was simple, somewhat like an earworm, it had a very strong characteristic: it was really catchy.

Even after hearing Lu Zhixing sing the first two lines, she naturally found herself humming along.

The melody was comfortable and flowed naturally, with no exaggerated highs or feigned deep lows, but this didn't mean the song's creation was simple. On the contrary, it's quite difficult to evoke an emotional resonance with such a simple tune!

If the music wasn't particularly amazing, the lyrics definitely made her fall completely.

Although the theme of the song revolves around "money," actually, the other things mentioned in the lyrics are far more important than money.

Some people's desire for wealth is "if I had money, I would like to do something;" while others' desire for money is "if I had money, I wouldn't have to do something."

At the start, one might think the song depicts a young person who inherits a fortune and suddenly becomes rich, but on closer inspection, it seems more like a fantasy from the heart of an earnest young person.


"The constant switch between being 'wealthy' and 'broke' created a fascinating effect."

So, though these lyrics may sound quite plain and like common truths, upon closer examination one may find them filled with profound thoughts and insights about life. And these insights are not forced onto others, but subtly resonate with the listener, evoking a strong sense of identification."

This starkly contrasted with the song performed by Li Zihan."

In terms of content and depth, one could say it was thoroughly outclassed!

As for the melody, everyone has different tastes, so it's hard to say which one is better. However, judging from the reaction of the audience, it was evident that Lu Zhixing's song was more favored by the public; the level of popularity was simply not on the same scale."

She had been somewhat doubtful: How could both songs happen to be about 'money'? Could it be that Lu Zhixing had sung this song deliberately?

But then she thought it unlikely.

Since it was an original song, Lu Zhixing must have written it in advance; improvising on the spot or having many songs prepared in reserve would be impossible."

It seemed that the 'car crash' that shattered Li Zihan into pieces was mostly an accident."

But no matter how you put it, the young man in front could be described in four words.

That is 'immensely talented'!

The School of Music's welcome party was not lacking in singers, with the school often securing half of the spots in Jinghai University's top ten campus singers. But when it comes to songwriting? The School of Music was severely lacking."

Especially composing and lyric writing, something that can't be compensated for with any amount of professional knowledge—it's purely a matter of talent."

Some people are born with it; others can try as hard as they might without any success.

Thus, even amidst the star-studded School of Music, the talent displayed in the lyrics of this song was enough to stand out as the most dazzling. Of course, they wanted to snatch it!

However, before she could finish speaking, people from other academies were already reacting.

"Classmate, the competition in the School of Music is too fierce, come to the School of Dance! Our academy's evening parties are consistently ranked top three in quality across the entire university—definitely the stage for you to shine! And we can assure you a finale spot for this song, allowing you to become the center of attention!"

"Classmate, come to the School of Foreign Languages. The quality of our evening parties is also very high, and, what's more, we have little sisters who can speak various languages—you're sure to be a hit here!"

Upon the representative of the School of Foreign Languages speaking up, everyone else's faces darkened, thinking to themselves: That's shamelessly low!

Zhang Yiyang from the Game Design Academy and Yan Wei also couldn't sit still anymore, with Zhang Yiyang even slamming the table and standing up.

"I say, don't go too far, people! This is our Game Design Academy's member; I'd like to see who dares to snatch him from me today!

"Junior, don't be misled. In terms of pretty girls, our Game Design Academy is by no means inferior! Plus, they can join you in playing games!"

The scene instantly became chaotic.

Lu Zhixing was somewhat surprised; he hadn't expected such an enthusiastic response.

Just then, someone coughed lightly and then knocked on the table.

"Alright, stop arguing! Let's take turns and list the conditions offered by each academy and let Lu Zhixing make his own choice."

The speaker was a teacher in charge at the scene, so as soon as these words were uttered, everyone quieted down, and order was restored.

Starting with the School of Dance.

"Classmate, as I just mentioned, our academy and the School of Music have been either first or second in past welcome evening parties. But the School of Music has so many music performances that it's hard for you to stand out.

"It's different with us. We have a lot of dance performances, and if you join us, you can surely emerge as the center of attention in the entire crowd!"

Next was the School of Music.

"I disagree with the comment from the School of Dance.

"Our School of Music may have many music acts, but they also attract a lot of attention! With your talent, classmate, I can assure you that your song will definitely be performed!

"Moreover, we have dedicated teachers to help with arranging, and a band to accompany you, ensuring that your song reaches its best performance level!"

The School of Performing Arts was also very assertive.

"Classmate, you are actually best suited for our School of Performing Arts. Our language-based programs are unmatched across the campus, and your song, if incorporated into our performances, could indeed create a great chemical reaction!"

The School of Foreign Languages still stressed its traditional advantages.

"Classmate, the School of Foreign Languages is willing to place your song in the finale, where all the girls from the school can hear it—won't you consider it?"

As the girl from the School of Foreign Languages spoke, she flirtatiously flipped her hair.

A twitch crossed Zhang Yiyang's lips as he glanced at Yan Wei beside him: "We can't lose. Our junior is about to be taken away!"

Yan Wei was also frustrated: "Yeah, the School of Foreign Languages is just shameless!"

Zhang Yiyang: "What I mean is, aren't you going to do something?"

Yan Wei was at a loss for words: "I... I've never been in a relationship before, I'm not good at this kind of thing..."

Zhang Yiyang held his forehead: "All those hot dances you do are wasted! Let down at the critical moment!"

Yan Wei got mad: "Then why don't you do it yourself?"

Zhang Yiyang was bewildered: "Do I look like I can do that?"

He paused for a moment, then considered another possibility: "Hey, now that you mention it, it makes sense. If the junior really likes what you're suggesting, perhaps sacrificing a bit for the academy isn't out of the question..."

The two waited anxiously.

They were seated in the second row, so it wasn't yet their turn to speak.

And the academies in front of them were pulling out all the stops to win over Lu Zhixing, leaving Zhang Yiyang and Yan Wei grinding their teeth in frustration.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity for the two, it was the Game Design Academy's turn to speak.

But at that moment, a voice came from a corner nearby.

"Classmate, would you be willing to join our 'Campus Talent Show'?

"I've just made a call and got approval. I can assure you that by participating in our show, you can skip directly to the semi-finals—no need for auditions!

"With your level, passing the semi-finals shouldn't be a problem at all. You could go straight into the finals. And once you're in the final round, a contract with an entertainment company is yours for the taking, propelling you to stardom!"

When these words were spoken, the room went quiet again.

Zhang Yiyang and Yan Wei exchanged glances, their hearts sinking.

All was lost!


PS. Reference songs (sorted by similarity): Viral Video "The Rich Man's Anthem 'I'm Putting My Cards On The Table'", Mao Bu Yi's "What If One Day I Become Very Wealthy", the soundtrack "Inflation" from "Hello Mr. Billionaire", and the comic skit "Being Rich".
