Chapter 141: Begin Speedrun Planning (Part 2)

At this moment, Ye Luo's live streaming room had a completely different vibe from other channels.

He was running a fixed route in "Walking with Darkness" Expert Mode.

The reason he did not choose random routes was partly because he had a clear understanding of the difficulty, knowing that choosing random routes before fully mastering the fixed ones would be counterproductive; on the other hand, because even fixed routes had a speedrunning track.

According to Ye Luo's plan, he would first run the fixed route, map out a speedrun route, and strive to establish a world record that was close to the theoretical time and significantly ahead of others before considering exploring random routes.

Speedruns are also differentiated by tracks, and the difference between tracks can be as significant as the difference between different games.

By now, Ye Luo was almost the fastest person to progress through "Walking with Darkness" Expert Mode all over the internet.