Chapter 053 Traditional and Modern

While having breakfast in the restaurant, news of Sherman's murder had spread throughout the entire town.

In Baytown, Sherman was a bona fide star, with many people working on his fishery, and his death naturally caused an uproar.

"I heard it was a crime of passion."

Someone whispered, "Apparently one of his mistresses stabbed him with a dining knife."

"How come I heard it was a business dispute?"

Because of Sherman's death, the town's public opinion stirred up like a storm.

After much discussion, there was still no official statement, and sometimes people don't care about the truth, just looking for more gossip to spice up their dull lives.

Amanda looked at Roger with a skeptical face.

"What are you looking at me for?"

"Is there something fishy?"

"What's fishy? You think Sherman's death has something to do with me?"

Amanda narrowed her eyes.

"Can't put my finger on it, but you don't seem surprised at all, as if you knew about this from the start."