That kind of power, where a single hair can move the whole body, transmitted layer by layer.
His eyes became hollow, and with his breathing, he seemed to connect with some force in the void, then expanding and contracting with each breath.
"Snap snap snap!"
Higurashi Chika had been standing not far behind Roger, but she quickly sensed something was amiss.
There was a suppressed energy near Roger, hidden and condensed, and she swiftly moved back, soon noticing the space around Roger enveloped by that strange force.
"What's happening?"
Higurashi Chika could discern not the slightest fluctuation of Spiritual Power emanating from Roger, it was a completely foreign energy that she didn't understand.
Obscure yet pure.
Although unclear about what was happening to Roger, Higurashi Chika knew that he must be in a strange state.
She turned and increased her distance, not wanting to disturb Roger, or anything else to interfere with him.