Chapter 13 Beast King Judge

The Guiding Spirit looked at the card, then turned to Huang Yi and said, "Your Race has come out randomly! Indeed, it's a top-level Rare Race — Beast King!"

Then Huang Yi received a segment of information about the Beast King Race:

The Beast King, one of the kings of terrestrial Races, is the King of Ten Thousand Beasts, capable of instilling fear in any wild animal. The Beast King excels in close combat, possessing immense strength, and is considered one of the perfect Races. Its combat power in the forest is particularly terrifying, and it likes to be active at night. The Beast King does not have a fixed form, because it has a unique evolving ability, able to repeatedly challenge more perfect life forms and has boundless potential.

Race Classification: Beast

Special Talent:

[Evolution]: Evolve once every 20 levels, which can result in a completely new form and enhance all abilities.

Current Evolution Stage: First Rank

Current Evolution Form: Spirit Cat

Current Form Specialty: Agility. There are implicit bonuses to Movement Speed, Attack Speed, and Evasion Value, among other attributes.

Racial Talents:

[Close-Combat Proficiency]: Close Combat Attack Power +10%

[King of Ten Thousand Beasts]: Will not be actively attacked by wild beasts, damage to beasts +20%, damage from beasts -20%

[Dark Vision]: Dark Vision range increased by 100 meters

[Strength Bonus]: Strength +20%

[Agility Bonus]: Agility +10%

[Call of the Wild]: Attributes of pets, mounts, and other Contract Partners +10%

[Boiling Beast Blood]: For every 5% reduction in Health Points, Attack Power increases by 1%

[Body of Nature]: Duration of all adverse conditions -50%

[Beast's Shadow Trace]: Absolute Movement Speed +20%, Attack Speed +10%, Critical Hit Rate +10%

[King of the Forest]: All Attributes +20% in the forest

Day/Night Characteristics:

[Day]: Attack -10%

[Night]: Attack +10%

Racial Skills:

[Call of the Wild]: Summon a Falcon and a Hunting Dog to aid in battle, each with their own strengths. Cooldown time: 5 minutes

[Last Stand]: Can only be used when Health Points drop below 30%, becomes unable to die for 10 seconds, and gains an increase of 15% in Attack Power, Critical Hit Rate, and Critical Hit Effect. Cooldown time: 5 minutes

[Colossal Beast Transformation]: Transform into a powerful Giant Beast, gain Flight Capability, all attributes doubled, and take half damage from all attacks for 1 minute. Cooldown time: 10 days

Language Used:

[Racial Language]: Beast Language, Continental Common Language

After reviewing the introduction of the Beast King Race, Huang Yi was very satisfied.

Firstly, a common Race has only five Racial Talents, an Advanced Race has seven, while a Rare Race can have up to ten. This is precisely the most powerful aspect of Rare Races — their Racial Talents are overwhelmingly superior in number.

Secondly, the Rare Races' Talent enhancements are of a higher degree. For instance, Agility, Intelligence, Constitution, and Strength — the Four Major Attributes — are the most basic and important attributes. A Common Race can only enhance one of the Four Major Attributes, with the highest degree of enhancement being only 10%. An Advanced Race can enhance two of those attributes, but the degree of enhancement also cannot surpass 10%. However, a Rare Race not only enhances two of the attributes but the highest attribute can even have an enhancement of up to 20%, as is the case with the Beast King's primary attribute — Strength.

Thirdly, a Common Race has only one common Racial Skill, an Advanced Race has two, but a Rare Race has three, with the third Racial Skill being an Ultimate Move. For example, the Beast King's [Colossal Beast Transformation] is such an Ultimate Move. Although it has a cooldown period as long as 10 days, the effect of the skill is potent, allowing transformation into a Giant Beast with Flight Capability, doubled attributes, and halved incoming damage. When this skill is used, it often results in an Instakill, a difficult move to withstand.

Finally, the Beast King Race also possesses a special Talent that many Rare Races do not have — Evolution. Evolving in any way one desires provides the Beast King Race with endless potential. This is the core talent of the Beast King and is also the reason why it is known as one of the most top-level Rare Races. At least, Huang Yi has never heard of any Rare Race that possessed a Special Talent.

Then, Huang Yi heard two System Prompts —

[System Prompt]: You have become a Beast King.

[System Prompt]: Congratulations on achieving the [Achievement] — [Rare Race] Achievement Points +1 [Rare Race]: Becoming a player of a Rare Race.

"Your Rare Race is set! Next, let's randomly select your Rare Class, please first narrow down the class traits until the range is reduced to 5,000. Choose one among the following descriptions," said the Guiding Spirit as it presented a wooden board with the first-round options written on it: Agility-based, Strength-based, Intelligence-based, Constitution-based.

"Strength-based," Huang Yi said without hesitation. He had already become a Beast King with a high 20% Strength Bonus, so not choosing a Strength-based Class would be a waste.

"There are 75,178 Strength-based Rare Classes; please continue selecting from the following descriptions: Close Combat, Ranged."

"Close Combat!"

"There are 41,509 Strength-based, Close Combat Rare Classes; please continue selecting from the following descriptions: Control-oriented, Attack-oriented, Support-oriented."


"There are 12,342 Strength-based, Close Combat, Attack-oriented Rare Classes; please continue selecting from the following descriptions: Battlefield, Instance, Adventure, Comprehensive."


"There are 3,978 Strength-based, Close Combat, Attack-oriented, Comprehensive Rare Classes, meeting the randomization criteria. The system is now randomizing, and the result is—Judge."

Immediately after, Huang Yi saw the Class information for the Judge:

Judge, a Judge who sentences all living beings, an Executioner of violence. His word is the law, and violators will suffer his severe punishment, entering into an endless duel until death. The Judge wields the mighty power of Judgment and Execution, mastering the art of life-or-death close combat. When he gets close to an enemy's body, their nightmare begins, overwhelmed by his tempestuous attack.

Exclusive Skills:

[Judgment]: Pronounce Judgment on an enemy, forcibly entering a duel in the Void Battlefield that continues until one of them perishes. While in the Void Battlefield, if the Judge dies, the death penalty is halved. This skill requires a certain amount of Energy, and the higher the level of the enemy, the more Energy consumed.

Class Talents:

[Weapon Specialization]: As a violent Executioner, the Judge gets +10% Attack Power when wielding violence-inducing weapons such as Axes, Blades, Heavy Arms Type, Polearms, and Hammers.

[Chainmail Specialization]: With a high defense awareness, the Judge gains +3% to All Attributes when wearing Chainmail.

[Strength Bonus]: The Judge venerates great Strength, receiving an additional +20% to Strength Attributes.

[Constitution Bonus]: With a high sense of self-preservation, the Judge receives an additional +10% to Constitution Attributes.

[Eye of Supervision]: The eyes of the Judge can see the tiniest detail, greatly improving all visual capacities.

[Life Reap]: When the Judge attacks an enemy, it can drain their Life, adding 3% Bloodsuck to all attacks.

[Legal Protection]: When the Judge suffers multiple damages, mandatory protection comes into force, only sustaining the highest 10 damages per second.

[Enforcement Privilege]: The Judge has certain Enforcement Privileges; after maliciously killing a player, the acquired Sin Value is halved, and the speed of cleansing Sin Value is doubled.

[Judgment Aura]: The Judge is sheltered by the Judgment Aura; for every 1% loss in Health Points, Attack Speed is increased by 1%.

[Inviolable]: The Judge embodies sacred law and is inviolable. When an enemy actively attacks the Judge, they receive the adverse condition [Offense], reducing All Attributes by 5%, lasting one day.

Huang Yi was equally satisfied with the Rare Class of Judge.

First, just like the differences with Races, Common Classes have only five Class Talents, Advanced Classes have seven, but Rare Classes have as many as ten, and the bonuses are substantial! For instance, the Judge's Strength Bonus of 20% is much higher than other classes that only get up to 10% at most.

Next, Rare Class Talents are unique. Such Talents might not seem useful normally, but they can be incredibly powerful in certain situations—like the Judge's [Legal Protection], which ensures that in melee combat, the Judge only sustains the highest 10 instances of damage. This Talent is godlike in a free-for-all, rendering enemy's numerical advantage useless!

Lastly, and most importantly, each Rare Class comes with a one-of-a-kind Exclusive Skill, providing a capability no other Class possesses, which is the hallmark of every Rare Class, giving them a soul. The Judge's Exclusive Skill [Judgment] is a perfect illustration. It forces the target into the Void Battlefield for a duel, eliminating all external interference, ensuring the target can't escape. This is a fight to the death! Common and Advanced Classes do not get Exclusive Skills.

However, as powerful as the Exclusive Skill is, it requires Energy to use!

In The Second World, every player has 3,000 Energy Points, and casting certain Special Skills consumes them. However, Energy Points are difficult to replenish, recovering only 10 points daily. They can be quickly replenished using Energy Stones, which are incredibly rare and cannot be accumulated in large quantities. Once out of Energy, Exclusive Skills are rendered useless, hence they should be treated as trump cards and not be used frequently.

Besides the inherent strength of the Judge, what pleased Huang Yi was how well the Judge complemented the Beast King Class. Even the most powerful Class will suffer a significant reduction in Combat Power if it does not synergize well with the Race. The Judge and the Beast King unquestionably match each other, both pursuing ferocious attack styles and life-or-death combat, with Talents and Skills that complement each other.

[System Prompt]: You have become a Judge.

[System Prompt]: Congratulations on earning the [Special Achievement] — [Rare Class], gaining +1 Special Achievement Points, +1% to all Attack Skill damage, [Rare Class]: Becoming a player with a Rare Class.

Another Special Achievement! An increase of 1% to skill damage. This further emphasizes how difficult it is to obtain a Rare Class. Previously, when Huang Yi became a Rare Race, he received only a common Achievement, but the Rare Class granted a Special Achievement, which is unsurprising since there is one Rare Class for every few million people, compared to one Rare Race for every few thousand people in the world!

"Instakill, congratulations on completing your Race and Class selection. Next, you will officially begin your journey in The Second World. Have a pleasant adventure!" The Guiding Spirit said and then gave Huang Yi a pat on the shoulder.

Immediately after, Huang Yi began to plummet at high speed. The surroundings blurred into streaks of light and shadow, and finally everything turned pitch black, and he could no longer see anything.