Chapter 16 Observation

After breakfast, Huang Yi entered The Second World once again.

Upon logging in, he reappeared in that forest where the sound of cicadas filled the tranquil air.

At the moment, the mother cat was still asleep, her belly gently rising and falling. The warm sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting upon her slender body a sense of liveliness. In terms of aesthetics, the Spirit Cat was definitely one of the top in The Second World, no wonder it was so valued that even nobles kept them as pets.

"Meow~" Just then, the mother cat opened her eyes and awoke. When she saw Huang Yi, her eyes shone with affection again. She licked Huang Yi's little head with her tongue, then slowly stood up, stretched languidly, and shook her body.

Huang Yi also tried to stand, wobbly as he had just been born not long ago, but after a few attempts, he finally managed to get up!

"Meow~" The mother cat let out a sound of approval. She took a couple of steps forward, looked back at Huang Yi with encouraging eyes, and signaled him to follow.

Huang Yi tried to take a step, albeit shaky, but still walked up to the mother cat.

The mother cat, affectionately licking Huang Yi, led him forward.

A large and a small cat walked through the strange forest. Occasionally, birdsong could be heard, melodious and vibrant, a picture of life in full vigor.

"Hiss!" At that moment, the mother cat suddenly let out a tense cry, blocking Huang Yi with her body, her gaze fixed on something ahead. Her fur bristled and her tail hung down as if facing a formidable enemy.

Huang Yi looked ahead and saw, not far from a bush, a large wolf-dog had appeared at some point!

This wolf-dog was huge and formidable, with drool dripping from its mouth and sharp canine teeth that reflected a ferocious light in the sun, greedily eyeing Huang Yi!

The forest really was unpredictable. One moment it was peaceful, and the next, danger had arrived!

After a tense stand-off, the wolf-dog took a step forward, its eyes revealing a thick killing intent.

"Hiss! Hiss!" The mother cat called out excitedly twice, baring her teeth and staring down the wolf-dog, also taking a brave step forward.

She was several times smaller than the wolf-dog but still stood firmly in front of Huang Yi as if she would protect him at the cost of her life.

"Woof!" Suddenly, the wolf-dog let out a roar and lunged toward them, its large body casting a shadow as it blocked out the sunlight.

The mother cat also leapt, pouncing fiercely at the wolf-dog, her small frame bravely colliding into the wolf-dog like a moth to a flame.

Soon, the two collided in midair!

The wolf-dog opened its ferocious mouth, showing two rows of sharp teeth and fiercely attempted to bite the mother cat.

Suddenly, the mother cat changed direction in midair, shifting to the side and neatly avoiding the wolf-dog's bite!

[System Prompt]: You have observed the Spirit Cat's [Midair Change of Direction] and learned the skill. Skill proficiency 0/100. This skill can only be used in Agile Cat Form.

Just then, Huang Yi received a system prompt, unexpectedly learning this move.

The wolf-dog's bite missed and continued flying forward by inertia.

The mother cat, even without anything to push off in midair, suddenly accelerated, quickly getting in front of the wolf-dog and stretching out her sharp claws to claw at the wolf-dog's eyes.

"Howl!" The wolf-dog immediately howled in pain. Blood sprayed from its eyes as they were viciously clawed out by the mother cat!

[System Prompt]: You have observed the Spirit Cat's [Aerial Acceleration] and learned the skill. Skill proficiency 0/100. This skill can only be used in Agile Cat Form.

With its eyes clawed out, the wolf-dog, now blinded, bit and thrashed wildly, but all to no avail. Without its eyesight, it could only bite and bump around on the ground without any real threat.

The mother cat took the opportunity to maneuver around and repeatedly inflicted wounds on the wolf-dog with her sharp claws.

The wolf-dog's blood flowed more and more, its actions growing slower until it finally collapsed and died.

The mother cat returned, panting and looking at Huang Yi with affectionate eyes. She licked his head with her tongue and then lay down to rest.

Sunlight streamed through the leaves, shining on the ground stained with fresh blood, and the forest was serene as if nothing had happened.

Huang Yi reflected on the battle just now. The trait of the Spirit Cat was agility, as both Midair Change of Direction and Aerial Acceleration were very powerful skills. However, the Spirit Cat had low attack power, so even an adult Spirit Cat like the mother cat had to resort to trickery to attack the wolf-dog's eyes before slowly killing it.

Huang Yi suddenly remembered his Beast King Race talents, among which one was called [King of Ten Thousand Beasts], which was supposed to prevent attacks from wild animals, but the wolf-dog still wanted to attack him, clearly contradicting this trait.

Could it be that he's not yet considered a Beast King?

A guess popped into Huang Yi's mind, and he immediately tried one of the Beast King's racial skills—[Call of the Wild], which could summon a falcon and a hunting dog to aid in combat.

[System Prompt]: You are in a special stage of growth and cannot possess any of the Beast King's skills or talents.

Indeed, he was still a kitten in the growth stage and couldn't use racial skills. He'd probably have to be fully grown to become a real Beast King.

Huang Yi looked at his attributes panel. His experience bar had risen a little. After the mother cat hunted the wolf-dog, he also gained some experience points.

However, this would be very slow going. The mother cat, with her delicate body and limited abilities, wouldn't hunt often, which was far from enough for Huang Yi to level up. The best way to level up quickly was to grow up fast and hunt monsters himself.

Huang Yi didn't know when he would catch up to the current players' levels. He had to reach Dragon City to meet with Number 9 and join the organization, not knowing how far the journey would be. Without enough power, it would be impossible to reach the destination.

He had entered The Second World late, already behind others by a large margin. He had to make the most of his time to catch up.