Chapter 25 Players

Huang Yi's heart sank. Under ordinary circumstances, he could have dispatched this cobra with ease, but now paralyzed, the small cobra could easily claim his life.

The cobra examined Huang Yi for a long time, and seeing that he remained motionless, it eventually couldn't help but slither over, its scales rasping against the dried leaves on the ground, producing a hair-raising sound, as it drew ever closer to Huang Yi.

Soon, the cobra was right in front of Huang Yi, raising its head high, its cold eyes fixed on him, opening its mouth, ready to swallow him whole.

Huang Yi quietly awaited that icy sensation to come.

"Swoosh!" Just then, a sound of something cutting through the air rang out beside his ear!

"The mother cat is here!" A thought flashed through Huang Yi's mind, and then he saw the cobra thrown flying away.

However, in the next moment, his heart sank!

A sharp dagger was stuck in the cobra's body!

That was something from human society, not belonging to this forest.

It signified that people had arrived!

"Brother Chen Yuxi, this spirit cat seems to be injured, motionless, just right to be our dinner! This snake is also good for making a snake soup," said a laughing voice from not far away at that moment.

"That works! Too bad this spirit cat isn't purebred, or else we would've hit the jackpot! Purebred spirit cats are priceless these days. If we could catch one, selling it to those nobles would earn us a few years' wages," another voice chimed in.

Upon finishing speaking, three men emerged from the underbrush.

From their conversation, it wasn't hard to deduce that they were players. These were the first batch of players Huang Yi had encountered since entering the Second World, and to his dismay, they were after his life.

They were all around twenty-five or twenty-six years old, well-equipped and looking sharp.

From the way they addressed each other, Huang Yi quickly learned the names of these three players.

The one leading the group was named Chen Yuxi, and based on his gear, he appeared to be a Boxer class warrior.

The player who was coming over to slaughter him was named Icy Greatsword, a Swordsman class warrior.

The last one, called Skull, was holding a magic wand; he must have been a mage.

"You guys start the fire! I'll kill this cat," Icy Greatsword said as he swaggered towards Huang Yi, his towering figure blocking the moonlight and casting a long shadow over him.

At this moment, Huang Yi could only hope that this man would be quick, swiftly ending his life, so that the mother cat and the Little White Cat wouldn't come to save him. They were both purebred spirit cats, and should these few players discover them, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Icy Greatsword quickly approached Huang Yi, removed a dagger from his waist, and aimed for Huang Yi's throat.

Moonlight pooled onto the blade, reflecting a silvery white light that illuminated Huang Yi's body.

"Meow~" Just then, an urgent cat cry sounded in the night!

Huang Yi's heart sank, fearing that the thing he was worried about had ultimately happened!

The next instant, two white figures darted out from the jungle, looking at Huang Yi with concern.

These two white figures were none other than the mother cat and the Little White Cat!

"Spi-spiri-spirit cats! Two-t-t-t-t-two of them!" exclaimed Icy Greatsword with a stutter.

The other two were also dumbstruck, as they hadn't expected to encounter the legendary purebred spirit cats—let alone two of them!

After being stunned for a moment, all three men's eyes suddenly lit up, as if they were stuffed with gold coins.

"Quick, quick, let's catch and sell them!" Chen Yuxi cried out trembling, immediately pouncing towards the Little White Cat.

"First, cripple them! Otherwise, they'll run away!" Skull raised his magic wand, instantly unleashed a purple glow, and fiercely shot it at the mother cat.

"Meow!" The mother cat dodged the attack with a swift twist of her body, then stood firmly in front of the Little White Cat. Her stance was exceptionally steadfast as if she were the most solid wall in the world, blocking the moonlight and the sharp wind of the forest.

"12 minutes!" Huang Yi counted the time in agony. Just 12 more minutes, and his metamorphosis would be complete!

At this point, the three players had formed an encirclement, gradually narrowing the circle, drawing closer to the mother cat and the Little White Cat.

"Swoosh!" Just at that moment, the mother cat's figure flashed unexpectedly, vanishing as if she had turned into a puff of air, as if she had never been there at all.

"Thud!" The next second, Skull's leg where his magic robe was, suddenly slit open, fresh blood sprayed out, and next to him, a figure abruptly appeared—it was none other than the mother cat!

: You have observed the Agile Cat Form's "Flash Assault" and have learned the skill. Your skill proficiency is 0/100. This skill can only be used in Agile Cat Form.

At this moment, Huang Yi received a system prompt, learning a brand new skill!

"Ah! Damn it, this cursed cat!" Skull crouched down, clutching his wound in pain, while his other hand viciously reached out towards the mother cat.

But he grabbed at nothing, as the mother cat had disappeared once again!

Seeing this, the three players became vigilant, wary of being injured by the mother cat.

The field fell into a brief silence, as no one knew where the mother cat was. The dark night of the jungle provided the best cover for her, and occasionally, the sounds of beast roars came from the distant woods, the moonlight casting a serene glow just like a typical forest night.


Thank you to 'Full of Calluses on Both Hands' for the generous reward!

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