Chapter 27 The Final Look


The next moment, Huang Yi heard the sound of bones shattering. The mother cat was fiercely smashed by Chen Yuxi's fist and fell heavily beside Huang Yi, bits of flesh striking his body and sticking to his fur.

At this time, the mother cat's body had almost become a pile of broken flesh, indistinct from the blood and bone, with not a single bone intact, unable to move any longer. She could only strive to turn her eyeballs towards Huang Yi, her gaze still filled with endless tenderness, just like when Huang Yi was first born.

The next moment, she struggled to extend her tongue, trying to lick Huang Yi, but she couldn't reach and only licked the cold moonlight instead.

"Meow~" At that moment, a whimpering meow sounded as a small figure darted out from behind a pile of grass. It was none other than the Little White Cat, with hot tears continuously streaming down her eyes, scattering along the path of her run.

"Haha! As expected, she's come out!" Chen Yuxi laughed loudly, her eyes full of greed, and immediately pounced towards the Little White Cat. Her huge body cast a shadow over the moonlight, engulfing the Little White Cat.

The mother cat struggled to turn her head, watching the Little White Cat drawing ever closer, wanting to rush over and protect her, but her own body was so battered and torn that no matter how hard she tried, she could no longer move.

A look of yearning appeared in the mother cat's eyes, and two crystal-clear tears slipped from the corners of her eyes, then she slowly closed her eyelids.

Time seemed to slow infinitely as the mother cat's teardrops, like two stars, fell heavily upon the earth, kicking up dust, and the entire world shattered.

The air was suffused with an invisible sorrow, as if something was about to pass away.

The next instant, the mother cat's body emitted a holy white light, turning into a swirl of white energy, slowly rising into the air, like a little sun, casting the forest in a ghastly pallor!

Huang Yi stared blankly at the white light!

The Little White Cat looked at the white light with tears in her eyes!

Chen Yuxi and her companions looked at the white light in fear!

In that moment, time seemed to stop.

Suddenly, the white light burst forth violently!

It was as if day had arrived, the entire forest lighting up. Countless white specks sprayed out in all directions, a powerful shockwave sweeping forth, flinging soil into the sky, breaking branches all around, and Chen Yuxi and her companions were directly blown away, vanishing without a trace!

At the same time, a system prompt sounded in Huang Yi's ears:

[System Prompt]: You have observed the Spirit Cat's ultimate skill [Life Sacrifice], releasing a powerful attack at the cost of life. This skill can only be used in Agile Cat Form. After resurrection, the level will be reduced by Level 1.

An attack made at the cost of life!

Huang Yi stared blankly at the light particles dancing in the sky, interweaving with the moonlight, dispelling the darkness, showering the world with light. Those happy times had become distant memories, the lonely years stretched out into the entire future, leaving his heart blank.

The world was quiet, as if devoid of any life, all sounds having passed away with the mother cat's sacrifice, leaving only the drifting white light.

Gradually, the white light dissipated, and the forest quieted down, night once again enveloping the land, as if it were an ordinary night where nothing had happened. However, the surrounding devastation stood as testament to the heartbreaking event that had occurred.

Gradually, a flicker of doubt appeared in Huang Yi's eyes, his pupils moving left and right, searching for something.

Until now, he had not heard the system prompt for the mother cat's death!

Even though the mother cat's figure had completely disappeared, the system had not confirmed it!

Could she have other abilities to avoid death?

Had something else transpired during that time?

Could she still be alive?!

A surge of hope suddenly emerged in Huang Yi's heart! Perhaps the mother cat hadn't died yet!

At that moment, the Little White Cat slowly walked to Huang Yi's side, her tiny body burrowing into his embrace, her eyes brimming with tears. Now she only had Huang Yi, her brother, who was like her entire world, the only one she could rely on.

Just then, a series of footsteps hurriedly approached from not far away, each step eager and frantic!

Before long, three figures appeared in the line of sight, drawing closer and closer, and it was indeed Chen Yuxi and her two companions, their faces etched with anxiety.

The trio evidently spotted Huang Yi and the Little White Cat, and the anxious look on their faces immediately calmed down.

Chen Yuxi patted her chest, letting out a sigh of relief, "Thank goodness, the Little Spirit Cat is still here, we can make up for our loss. It's just too bad about the big one, blowing us up like that! Lucky for us we had Resurrection Scrolls, otherwise, we would have had to go back to the camp to resurrect!"

"Exactly!" Skull's face showed a look of pain, regretfully adding, "That Big Spirit Cat was worth so much money! To just self-destruct like that, and also causing us to use three expensive Resurrection Scrolls, dropping a Level, and even damaging our equipment! It's infuriating! If we had known it would come to this, we should have just killed it straight away, skinned it and sold it for a good amount of money."

As they spoke, the three of them walked up to Huang Yi. Chen Yuxi reached out to grab the Little White Cat.

At this moment, the Little White Cat was still immersed in the grief of her mother's passing, completely unaware of Chen Yuxi's capture, and was directly seized in his palm.

"Hmm! Spirit Cat in hand, let's head to a larger city later and sell this Little Spirit Cat," Chen Yuxi said as he stroked the Little White Cat's head, his face full of greed.

"Alright, but let's slaughter this impurely bred Spirit Cat first, and then we'll have our dinner!" Icy Greatsword said, pulling out a Dagger once again, slashing towards Huang Yi.

"Meow!" Just at that moment, the Little White Cat let out a heartbreaking cry, turning to look back at Huang Yi with longing eyes, those eyes filled with reluctance, filled with profound affection, just like her mother's before her.

Following that, the Little White Cat's body started to emit a sacred white light, gradually illuminating the night sky.

Such a familiar scene! Such a familiar white light!

Huang Yi and Chen Yuxi's party were all taken aback, then guessed at something unthinkably terrifying!

The Little White Cat was actually going to use "Life Sacrifice"!

She, to protect Huang Yi, just like the mother cat before her, was executing her most tragic Attack of her life!

"Life Sacrifice" was a skill that Spirit Cats were the most reluctant to use, but today, two Spirit Cats had used this skill for Huang Yi!

The white light grew more intense, eventually even obscuring the moon, and a tragic air spread throughout the night!

Whose life was about to disappear again?

Could the happy times in the forest only cease tonight?

Could all the people who had been protected with life only leave one after another?

"No!" Just then, a thunderous roar suddenly burst forth from Huang Yi's mouth!

It was like a roar that split the heavens and the earth, like the first thunderclap heralding the onset of the desert's rainy season, like a volcano that had been dormant for countless years suddenly erupting!

This was the first human word he had shouted since he was born, finally no longer the feeble meows of a kitten!

His metamorphosis had at last come to an end!