Chapter 46 Lord Man Lie

Chapter Forty-Six: Lord Man Lie

The colossal Half-Beastman shone with golden light; muscles bulging and eyes ablaze with fury, he wielded a sinister hammer as tall as himself. The hammer bore a striking resemblance to the Barbaric Hammer, sharing a similar lineage of spirit, but it was even more fierce and bloodthirsty.

As he leapt into the air, he eclipsed sun, moon, and stars, casting a powerful and domineering silhouette, as if a War God had descended to earth, unstoppable and peerless in combat.

The next moment, the colossal Half-Beastman landed in front of the Demon Monkey's clone, and the war hammer came crashing down upon it.

"Boom!" Instantly, the Demon Monkey's clone was smashed into a mist of blood, with fragments of flesh falling like rain, dying completely without leaving a corpse behind.

With just one move, this demon monkey clone, which had brought Wind Forest Stronghold to its knees, was instakilled by the colossal Half-Beastman.