Miyamoto Musashi stood on the battleship, watching the erupting tongues of fire from the cannon ports as the ship slightly rocked from the recoil. Even he, a super-first master, felt fear at the overwhelming power of the magic cannons!
These magic cannons were on the level of war machines, far beyond what players could contend with by mere human strength. Even Huang Yi, the world's number one, would suffer heavy injuries if hit by a magic cannon. Without life-saving skills or special talents, it would mean direct death.
It was just a pity that the magic cannons took too long to prepare and weren't very agile, only suitable for attacking fixed targets like cities. They were impractical for targeting players, who could easily escape before they were even aimed at. Moreover, firing each magic cannon shell equated to spending a massive amount of gold coins — it was quite literally burning money, and not something ordinary people could afford.