A single statement drew everyone's attention back. Heart Demon was something all those seated were well aware of. Although there was no clue about its origin or how to rid oneself of it, there was some understanding all the same. Even though there are various methods to slow down or temporarily remove the Heart Demon, it undoubtedly remained a thorn in everyone's side. They thought about how they all risked their lives entering the game, all for the hope of obtaining extraordinary Strength. Yet, no sooner had you achieved a bit of something, another person would be forcefully injected into your brain. Not only had you to listen to this person incessantly babble in your head every day, but, in the end, they might very well take over your body, a situation too much for anyone to accept. So, when Xiao Buli made his statement, whether true or false, everyone wanted to hear what he had to say.