At this point, someone might say, "Do you think everyone is a fool? As soon as someone dismantles a Gold Coin, won't the gig be up? Once exposed, the bank plan is bound to collapse, right?"
On this matter, Xin Yun had actually thought it through... In fact, Xin Yun had no intention of concealing this at all. For a bank, nothing is more important than credibility. A bank without credibility has no other path but to close down.
Therefore, with the gold yuan, Xin Yun announced loudly that it wasn't equivalent currency. If one didn't like it, they could simply use Silver Yuan and copper coins, which are equivalent currencies and absolutely reliable.
But in this case, would anyone want the gold yuan? Definitely not... But that's not a problem, for the next currency to be introduced—the crystal yuan—was actually created to promote the gold yuan.