Cp3 "in the darkness"


In my panic, I jerked awake, my body drenched in sweat and my heart pounding like a drum. I bolted upright, gasping for breath, trying to shake off the remnants of the icy grip and the haunting voice that still echoed in my ears.

"Damn it!" I cursed, my voice filled with frustration and despair as I took in my current surroundings. Sitting alone on a cold, dirt floor in a dark and unfamiliar place, I felt a mixture of confusion and dread. I couldn't make sense of what had just happened.

"How did I get here?" I muttered to myself, my teeth chattering from the cold. I tried to push away the memories of the nightmare that had felt all too real.

I shivered, trying to wrap my arms around myself for warmth.

 "It's so cold and dark in here," I mumbled to myself. 


"I can't see a damn thing." 

The echoing sound of my voice as I spoke gave me a sinking feeling. I couldn't see much, but the echo suggested I might be in a cave or some kind of massive hollow space.

I braced myself, attempting to stand up. However, as I placed my hand on the ground to push off, I felt something bite down hard on my hand. I quickly withdrew it, wincing in pain. 

"Ow, what the hell was that?" I hissed,

 my heart rate quickening as I realized this cold, dark place might not be as empty as it seemed.

A sharp stabbing pain shot through my hand from the bite, quickly followed by an intense burning sensation. My fingers automatically curled in response. Raising thekitchen knife I'd been carrying, I tried to peer into the darkness, preparing to defend myself. 

"Alright, whatever it is that's in here with me better think twice before coming any closer," I warned, my voice edged with urgency.

As time passed and nothing approached me, I cautiously lowered my guard, feeling a mix of relief and uncertainty. Perhaps the creature had been frightened and fled, or maybe it was waiting for me to succumb to the poison before resuming its attack. Either way, I could sense that the immediate danger had subsided, leaving me in a state of wary anticipation.

I grumbled, pressing my hands against the place where the creature had bitten me, wincing at the pain. 

"My luck is just the worst," I muttered under my breath. 


"Fighting monsters was enough trouble, and now I'm stuck in this damned place with a creature trying to make me its next meal.

I could feel my sanity slipping away as I sat shivering in the dark, my fear and frustration mounting.

 "How the hell do I get out of here?" I muttered, feeling desperate and alone.

As I sat there, feeling the weight of despair pressing down on me, I clutched my hands tightly.

 "I won't die here!" I whispered fiercely, my voice filled with determination. 

"I'll get out of this hellhole and find my wife. And that bastard in the hoodie, whoever he is, will pay for the nightmare he's put me through."

I closed my eyes tightly, forcing myself to focus on my breathing and heartbeat. Taking slow, deep breaths, I felt my heart rate beginning to slow slightly, though the fear and anxiety still coursed through me.

As I concentrated, I became hyper-aware of every sound around me, and I could hear the distinct sound of the insect moving somewhere nearby. The thought of it lurking nearby sent a shiver down my spine, but I continued to control my breath, trying to stay as calm as possible.

As the insect approached, I could hear its distinct clicking sound growing closer. Just as I prepared to defend myself again, I lashed out with the kitchen knife, hoping to drive it away. However, my efforts were in vain, and instead, I felt a piercing pain in my shoulder, as if something invisible had stabbed me. I gasped in pain, my hand flying to the wound instinctively.

 "What the hell?" I cursed, wincing as I felt the warmth of blood seeping from the injury.

I stumbled, collapsing to the ground as the pain from the stab wound sent a sharp jolt through my body. My heartbeat thundered in my ears as I cursed under my breath, the creature's speed and the annoying hiss it emitted adding to my growing sense of dread.

As the place grew quiet, I clung to the hope that my blow had dealt a fatal blow to the insect. I lay there, straining to catch my breath and keep my wits about me, praying that no other creature would emerge from the darkness.

With a groan, I forced myself upright, my body protesting with every movement. The pain from the wounds consumed me, but I pushed onwards, slowly making my way forward.

As I stumbled in the darkness, my foot made contact with something on the ground, causing me to stumble. To my horror, I quickly realized that it was indeed an insect, its cold, hard body sending a shiver up my spine.

As I realized the insect was a centipede, a wave of relief washed over me. My heart pounded with a mixture of triumph and adrenaline.

With a victorious laugh, I whispered, "Looks like the tables have turned, you bastard."

 The realization that I had defeated a centipede, especially such a huge one, filled me with a newfound sense of confidence and relief.

"You picked the wrong target to mess with, buddy," I snapped.

I took a deep breath and slumped down against the wall, exhaustion finally catching up to me. I inspected the wounds on my hands and side, wincing as my fingers tenderly probed and pressed against them.

The pain was intense, but fortunately, the wounds didn't seem too deep or life-threatening. Grimacing, I leaned my head back against the wall, feeling the cool surface against my skin as I tried to catch my breath.

Sitting in the darkness, I muttered to myself, "How the hell am I supposed to move in this damn dark place without bumping into more of these blasted creatures?" Frustration and fear still gnawed at my insides, but I forced myself to remain calm.

"There must be a way out of here," I whispered, my voice slightly shaky. "But I need to be careful. No telling what else is lurking in the shadows, waiting to ambush me."

I reached into my pockets, feeling around for anything useful. Feeling a small, hard object, I pulled it out to discover that it was a lighter with a built-in light. A wave of relief washed over me as I flicked the switch, illuminating the area in a faint glow.

"Thank goodness," I breathed, a small smile forming on my face. "At least now I can see where I'm going."

Aiming the light at the dead insect, I squinted in disbelief as its size became clear. The creature was enormous, easily the size of a one-year-old child, making my earlier confrontation seem all the more terrifying.

"What a f," I muttered, a mixture of disgust and awe in my voice. "I can't believe I fought this damn thing in the dark."

Clutching the blade of my knife tightly in my hand, I gave the large insect a quick kick, the thought of it still alive too haunting to bear. I then started moving forward.

Stepping carefully, my senses on high alert, I crept forward into the depths of the cavern, the soft glow of the lighter guiding me and the knife clutched tightly in my grasp.

As I continued walking through the seemingly endless cave, time seemed to stretch on endlessly. I found myself getting hungry, the rumbling of my stomach serving as a constant reminder of the passage of time.

"Great," I muttered to myself, "As if this situation wasn't bad enough, now I'm starving too."

My legs felt heavy beneath me, fatigue and hunger weakening my senses. I stumbled, not noticing the hole in the floor until it was too late. With a sudden lurch, I fell forward, plunging into a pool of water below.

A gasp escaped my lips as the cool water enveloped me, sending a shock through my body and momentarily numbing the pain from my wounds.

The lighter's light flickered and died as I hit the water, plunging me back into total darkness, cursing my luck.

"Damn it!" I cursed, my frustration mounting. "Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, I've lost my only source of light."

As I tried to swim back to the surface, I felt something wrap itself around my leg, the suddenness of the action catching me off guard. Before I could react, I was jerked downwards, pulled under the surface with a force that took me by surprise.
