Cp5"Nightmare and reality"

Groggily, I opened my eyes, disoriented and confused. It took a moment for my vision to clear, and as I took in my surroundings, I realized that I was being pulled along by someone or something

Fear gripped me as I saw nothing holding onto me or pulling me. I struggled weakly, but my body was too exhausted to put up much of a fight

As my eyes adjusted to the dim light, I realized that I was no longer in the cave. I was outdoors, surrounded by the familiar sights and sounds of a forest. The light of the full moon spilled down through the trees, casting long, silvery shadows across the ground.

I tried to speak, only to find that my voice was muted. My mouth felt strange, and when I reached up to touch my lips, I realized that they were, in fact, sewn shut.

I struggled against the pull of the stranger who was still dragging me along, but I was too weak to break free. I couldn't even scream, silenced by the crude stitches that held my lips together

Without warning, the stranger lifted me off my feet and threw me through the air. I landed awkwardly on the hard, rocky floor of a narrow hole in the ground, my body screaming with pain from the impact.

I lay there motionless, trying to catch my breath and assess my situation. The darkness of the hole engulfed me, the only light seeping in through the narrow opening above.

Within moments of landing in the hole, the stranger began to hurl dirt and small rocks down on top of me. Each impact sent a shockwave of pain through my body, and I could feel the space around me narrowing as more and more earth collapsed around me.

He want to bury me alive

Desperately, I tried to crawl out of the hole

I struggled against the weight of the collapsed dirt, feeling every movement become progressively more difficult

With each passing moment, the hole grows smaller as the stranger continues to bury me alive. Panic grips my chest, and I struggle to move, to push myself out, but the weight of the earth above is too much for me.


"... stop... let me out..." My voice is barely a whisper, raspy and hoarse. But it is swallowed up by the ever-increasing mound of dirt and rock.

My eyes snapped open, and I gasped for air, coughing and panting as I lifted my head out of the water. I sat up, disoriented and confused, my heart racing as I realized where I was.

 expecting to see the forest and the stranger, but instead, I found myself back inside the cave.

"I... I'm not dead?" I muttered, my voice raspy and hoarse. "Wait, am I... in the cave...?"

I sat there for a moment, still trying to catch my breath. The entire experience felt so real, so vivid. I rubbed my hands over my face, feeling the rough fabric of my clothes and the texture of my skin.

"How long was I out?" I muttered aloud, my voice shaky. It all felt like a strange nightmare, but the sensations were so real that I couldn't shake the feeling that it might not have been entirely just a dream.

As I forced myself to stand, I extended my hand to support myself on the ground. But when I looked down at my hand, I was surprised to see that it was visible, though blurry.

I moved my hand closer to my face, and it came into sharper focus. Realizing that I could see things that were close to me

"I can see... sort of," I mumbled, blinking a few times to adjust to the strange vision.

With trepidation, I turned to face the edge of the lake. My reflection, although blurred, was visible in the water's surface. I approached cautiously, trying to make out what I looked like.

As I got closer, I noticed that my hair looked distinctly longer, falling past my shoulders in wavy strands. It was a surreal sight, seeing my own reflection so strangely distorted.

I raised my hands to my face, feeling the unfamiliar roughness of facial hair. I began to run my fingers over my cheeks and chin, feeling the coarse hairs that had grown. It felt strange, and I knew instinctively that it meant I had been in the cave for a considerable amount of time.

"How long...?" I murmured to myself, my voice hoarse from disuse.

With a heavy sigh, I leaned toward the lake water and splashed some of it onto my face. The cool liquid felt soothing against my skin, washing away some of the dirt and grime.

For a moment, I stayed there, face dripping with water, feeling the sensation of being alive and somewhat clean. It was a small comfort amidst my predicament.

I sat there by the lakeside for a while, taking in the silence and letting my thoughts wander. With some of the dirt and grime washed off, I felt a little more focused and awake. Suddenly, my stomach growled, a sharp reminder that I hadn't eaten for some time.

"Time to find something to eat," I muttered to myself, standing up slowly and looking around for any potential sources of food in the cave.

 I scoured the area surrounding the lake, looking for any signs of food or edible plants. My stomach continued to protest, the gnawing feeling of hunger growing stronger with each passing moment.

Just when I thought I had found nothing, I spotted a small cluster of mushrooms growing in a corner of the cave. Relief washed over me as I cautiously approached them, hoping they were edible.

I carefully plucked one of the mushrooms from the cluster, holding it in my hand and bringing it closer to examine it. As I did, I felt a faint itch on my skin where the mushroom touched it, but it faded quickly.

Curious but still cautious, I sniffed the mushroom, searching for any odd smells that might indicate danger. It seemed safe, without any pungent or unpleasant odor.

With a sense of urgency, I gathered as many of the mushrooms as I could find and then exited the lake. Sitting on the ground, I set the mushrooms in front of me and began to devour them, eating quickly and hungrily.

The earthy taste of the mushrooms filled my mouth, but I barely even noticed in my haste to fill my empty stomach.

As I finished eating the mushrooms, I felt a sense of fullness wash over me, easing the hunger that had previously gnawed at my stomach. I knelt by the edge of the pond and dipped my hands in the water, bringing them to my mouth and drinking deeply.

Feeling a bit more energized, I rose to my feet and surveyed the cave more closely. Remembering the creature that had brought me here, I decided to explore my surroundings, hoping to find a way out of this strange place.

As I continued to explore, I came across a small opening in one wall of the cave. Peering inside, I could just make out a few objects scattered around, and as my light vision adjusted to the dim surroundings, I realized that they were bones.

The bones were varied in size and shape, suggesting that they belonged to a multitude of creatures, some resembling insects and others that I couldn't identify. The sight was strange and a bit unsettling.

Continuing my exploration, I turned my attention back to the pond. As I examined the water more closely, I realized that it wasn't just a random pool but rather connected to a tunnel.

This realization hit me — the tunnel must be the source of the inflow of water that made up the pond. If there was an entrance, perhaps there was also an exit.

Before heading into the tunnel, I quickly formed a plan. I wasn't sure where the tunnel would lead, but anything seemed better than staying in this damp cave.

With a final look around, I found myself strangely disappointed that there was no trace of the monster whose I had killed earlier. It was as if it had vanished into thin air.

'I hope that shit is not alive"

Shaking off the feeling, I cautiously entered the tunnel, determined to find a way out.

As I cautiously made my way through the tunnel, the thought of the nightmare I had seen suddenly crossed my mind. The more I thought about it, the more I wondered if it could be connected to the creature and its heart.

Perhaps there was something about the creature that had caused those strange hallucinations. The possibility only increased my determination to get away from this place as soon as possible.
