Date : Jun 26 2022
I only published the prologue. If you guys liked it I will publish the book. So, please comment and let me know if I should write it. The book will be unpublished if the viewers don't like the idea.
Hoping for the best
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Date - 9/29/2021
Hey Purpliens !
This is a book which I have missed with all my heart and soul.
It's not my story. It was originally written by Mytaekookabode in 2020. But because of Wattpad glitch, her two precious works of art were lost in vain. Everything was deleted. And one of them was " Take Me Away."
This was my favorite book of all times. I used to read it every time I couldn't find any nice book to read. Like hell I have read it more than 50 times. And I just miss my precious book real bad. And coincidentally it was lost just after the day I completed the book for the last time. The next day it was not in my list. I searched and searched for days. And after some days I found a sad post of the Authornim stating that it was all gone. Her whole profile was deleted.
I messaged Authornim but she is not replying to me. I don't know if she uses Wattpad anymore. She was devastated when she lost the books. And she said she has not saved it anywhere else either.
Now, it's been months that I'm craving to read the story. Well, I won't be able to do that anymore. So, now I decided to write it in my own way.
Well, it won't be as good as that masterpiece itself. But I want to try recreating her art work in my own words.
I don't remember all of the dialogues and situations in detail obviously. But I clearly remember the plot and the feeling that I'm craving to recreate again.
I know it will not be as good as the original version but let's hope for the best. I don't know if I could really recreate the lost feeling but at least I want to try.
Many might think I'm stealing her work and will hate me. But please don't hate me. Please don't accuse or hate me for stealing her work. It's just that I really love the book and I want to revive it once again. I'm not hiding the fact that this is not my story.
If any of you have read this book before please don't give spoilers.
I may add any plots that I feel as per the story demands and deduct as I may not remember all of the scenes. But the whole core will be exact same as the original one. Plus I don't think any addition is needed cause that book was just brilliant for me.
So, Let's begin the journey. Hope I can re-write what once has vanished.
Mytaekookabode, Authornim, I miss you.
This once, dedicated to our precious book.