Untitled Part 4

On the other side of the city there lived a raven haired guy. His life is nothing much just same old. He was a brilliant student. He is handsome AF but cold and stern at the same time. He graduated with flying colors in a young age. He got the job as an university professor and has been living a decent life if you think.


His handsomeness is not a secret which attracts lots of girls in the university but being professional he refused them all.

Being a gay he don't even need to think twice to reject them actually. And he doesn't want any kind of relationship at the moment which will only be a huddle to his career. He wants to have a successful career not a love life. ( here I forgot if he was gay or bi) 🤣🤣 

But his mother thinks differently. She gets worked up and tries really hard to settle down with her only son. There is nothing more than her wanting her son to get married and have her grandchild.

So here she is arguing with her son again to go out on a date, she set up with her friend's daughter.

"Eomma please how many times should I tell you. I don't want to get married."

" You are going out with her at the end of the discussion. I will send you her details. " She said and hung up the call.

"Fuck!" he cursed throwing the phone over the desk.

" Got set up again?" Yoongi said, raising his eyebrows with a sly smile.

" why can't she ever stop. It's getting on my nerves." he said, pulling his hair.

"Why don't you tell them your gay." Yoongi said, sipping his coffee.

"Do you think they don't know?" he said and Yoongi just shrugged his shoulders.

"I came out the moment they wanted to set me up for the first time. But they kept on setting me again and again."

" What she wants a grandchild?" he asked and Jungkook just rolled his eyes.

"Which part of 'I am GAY' you didn't understand hyung." Yoongi smirked and took a sip again.

" Then get a boyfriend. They will stop."

"I don't want any kind of relationship at the moment hyung. I don't have time to love anyone in my life..... I have a fucking job and I want to excel with my career. A relationship at this point is just a distraction for me which I cannot afford at all."

" So what exactly you want kook? You can't stay single forever. Not to mention your horny ass" Yoongi said sleeplessly.

" I don't have time for worthless relation hyung. I just need someone to get my things done like cooking and washing and cleaning when I get home, no question about my whereabouts. " He said raising his eye brows.

" You need to get your work done? get a maid."

" That will cost money hyung. And I need to get laid too without any string attached. "

" Then get a fucking robot. There is no way anyone will do all your work and let you fuck him without any feelings attached. "

" Yes, a robot will be nice. Listen to all my demands without any demands or complaints. It just sounds perfect hyung. Do you know where I can get one. " Yoongi just sighed and shakes his head in defeat.

" Best of luck on getting yourself a robot. I have a class to teach some idiots for 2 hours. See you. " Jungkook just shrugged his shoulder and Yoongi went out the cabin. Jungkook was about to go for his next lecture when he heard his phone notification.

" Fuck! " he said annoyingly. His mother send him the address stating that it's a family dinner and they will be their too. There is no way he can escape this one.


Jungkook entered the restaurant his parents told to. There he his parents sitting on the table with 3 people. He went and greet them.

"Good evening everyone." He bowed to them.

"Oh Jungkook! We were just talking about you." His mother said and hugging him.

"This is Mr. and Mrs. Kim and she is their daughter, Jenny." Jungkook looked at them and bowed his head.


"It's nice to meet you son." Mr. Kim said

"I must say you have a handsome son Mrs. Jeon." Mrs. Kim said with a smile. He just nodded and shrugged it off.

"Jungkook can take Jenny with you in that table over there. So, You can know each other more." Jungkook took a deep breath and nodded in the end.

Jungkook and Jenny went to the next table far from their parents but still their parents were eyeing them. Jenny kept scrolling her phone and Jungkook couldn't care less. Both ordered their dinner and Jungkook was now thinking how to tell her he is not interested when their parents are right there.

"Jungkook, is it?" Jenny said looking up from her mobile.


"Look Jungkook, I know we are here our marriage and all but let me tell you straight. I'm not interested in marriage and kids right now. I'm too busy in my work and don't want any responsibility in my life right now." Jungkook looked at her amusingly.

"Did you just read my mind?" He said without thinking. "I don't want to get married either. I can't have any relationship at the moment." Jenny smiled sipping her drink

"Well that went good. Nice to have someone who thinks like you." she said. "So, why did you come here?"

"Well, my Eomma set me up with her friends daughter every time."

" Well, your the 7th one for me too. My parents won't stop until I get married."

"Gosh you're the first one to understand me so well."

"Hey I have an idea. Why don't we tell our parents that you clicked and ready to be together? That way they will stop hunting for a while and we can ho on with our lives." Jungkook thinks for a second.

"Sounds like a good plan." Jungkook said sipping his drink.

"So let's tell them we are dating now and ready to take it further. You can have your life and I can have mine."

"That's fine with me." he said

"Here is my card tell me if something comes up and we will schedule it as situation."

"Okay!" he took the card and nodded.

"Okay now let's go and hug me with a big smile before going as they won't suspect us." she said getting up. Jungkook smiled and hugged her. She kissed him in the cheeks and both went back to their parents.

That went well !


How far is story going?