Untitled Part 16

Tae was living in 2 different worlds.

He was sad for his family that he won't be able to see them again. He never thought 3 days trip would cost him his life. He never knew it would be last good bye to his world. But he was happy too.

He never thought being someone's slave can make you feel good. He never thought his master will really marry him. He never thought he will be someone's husband. That too of the most handsome man he has ever seen.

Yes, his master is cold and stern. But he is not a bad person. He saved him from bad people. He gave him shelter and food. He brought him in his beautiful and perfect life. He is happy to be a part of it. He may not talk with him good or behave coldly. But still he is his savior, his master and now his husband. He will do everything he wants. He will try his best to keep him happy and satisfied.

And to be honest, he has started to feel for him. Yes, Taehyung has started to fall for him. He admires the person who saved him for the dark world. And not to lie, just like Jungkook, he is also looking forward for his first night. However the situation might be, he is still married and he is his husband. And he will give his best for his new life and his husband.

He just finished cleaning the house like every day. He read the book and now waiting for the parcel his master talked about.

It was 5 in the evening when the door bell rang. He opened the door with a smile to find 3 people standing in front of the door.

"Ah this is Jeon Jungkook's house right? Is he home? " the man asked with a smile.

" Yes Mister. Do you have any parcel for me?" Tae asked with an adoring smile. The man looked at the woman with a smile.

" We are his parents sweetie." The woman said. Taehyung gasped and bow down to them.

" Hello Mr. And Mrs. Jeon. Jungkook-shi has not returned yet. Please come inside. "He said, opening the door wide.

" Oh such a sweet boy. Come let's get inside Jenny. " She said, looking back at the girl behind them. Taehyung looked at the direction she was looking, there he saw a beautiful girl standing behind them. They entered the room and sat on the living room.

" Would you like to drink something sir. "Taehyung asked.

" Some water would be good son. " Taehyung nodded and brought 3 glasses of water for them. He placed the tray on the table.

" We have not seen you before here boy. Who are you? Are you a friend of my son? " Mr. Jeon asked sipping the water.

Friend? No.

He is my husband.

But can he say that. NO he can't.

And most importantly to his parents? He can't afford to make Jungkook angry again.

" My name is Je- Kim Taehyung. I'm.... Ah.. Jungkook-shi's.... servant. "

" Servant! Jungkook never told us he brought a servant."

"Ah actually ahh... I was kidnapped and Jungkook-shi saved me and took me here. I don't have any place to go. I was very grateful for his kindness. So, I offered myself to return his favor. That's why I'm working here sir."

"Oh my dear, you suffered a lot in young age my child. I hope Jungkook is taking good care of you." Mrs. Jeon asked.

"Yes ma'am. He takes care of me."

" Sorry to hear about that son. Well, I am Jungkook's father, this is his mother and she is Jenny."

"Hello" Jenny said with a smile.

"Hello Jenny-shi, nice to meet you . Are you Jungkook-shi's cousin?" he asked with a smile.

"haha No Taehyung. I'm his girlfriend." The adorning smile on his face slowly disappeared.

His girlfriend.

This was the reason his master wasn't comfortable to marry him. He has his love, his girlfriend. And here Taehyung was being selfish to ask him to marry him. He has the audacity to ask Jungkook to marry him.

He was a fool to think his master will ever like him. He can never be a part of his life. He is just a servant, a slave for Jungkook. Nothing less nothing more.

Just a slave

"We haven't got chance to meet much people around him Taehyung. Tell me how is Jungkook with others. Is he rude or kind? Does he have friends? Does he take care of himself?" Mrs. Jeon asked.

Living far from her son. They were always worried about his life. He always seems cold and rude. Being a mother she doesn't want his son to live like that. She wants his life to live in right way with respect and responsibilities.

"He is very kind Ma'am. He saved a stranger and took him to his house without knowing me. You can guess from that how caring and responsible he is. He is a little messy sometimes but his heart is made of pure gold. Jenny-shi is really lucky to have him. "

And I can never be lucky to have him.


Mr. and Mrs. Jeon were really happy by Taehyung's answer. They always wonder if their son would be liked or praised by others.

But listening to Taehyung, they were happy for their son. Moreover they were happy that now when their son is dating Jennie, she always takes care of their son.

From the day he met Jennie, everyday when Mrs. Jeon would ask her son about how he is and what he had for breakfast. He would tell her, he had home cooked breakfast and brought his lunch box too. From that day he never missed his meals.

Like Taehyung said, Jungkook was a messy person. He used to miss his breakfast most of the time and eat out mostly but since the day he brought Taehyung , he eats home cooked meal. So his parents assumed that Jennie was the one who cooked for him. The one taking care of him not knowing, he met Jennie and Taehyung on the same day.


" Jennie, dear why don't you make us Jungkook's favorite dinner." Mrs. Jeon said with a smile.

" Oh yes, he has been telling how tasty the food was. I would like to taste it too." Mr. Jeon said.

Jennie just gave a smile not knowing what they are taking about.

He likes her food. That's why he never said anything while eating the things I made. You are such a fool Taehyung, he can never like you.

" It's okay Jennie-shi, I will prepare dinner." Jennie smiled and thanked god for Taehyung because she really have no idea what to make. Yet Jungkook's favorite dish. Heck he never called after that day. But her smile fade away as -

"Oh no Taehyung you can rest, let Jennie do her magic." Mrs. Jeon said.

"Oh yes, Jungkook will love to eat the food made by her." Jennie gave a thin smile and went to the kitchen not knowing what to cook. She sighed and opened the drawers and fridge to make a simple dish that she knows.

Taehyung looked down, fidgeting with the hem of his top.

Jungkook-shi will love to eat food made by her Taehyung, not you.

Taehyung gave a fake smile and bowed to them. He was about to go back to his room when the door opened.

What's going on?

What are you doing here?


Changed many things. Coz this Author right here has the worst memory.

Do you like it though?

And tell me if you are the reader from the previous book. What are your thoughts?