Untitled Part 28

Knock Knock







A knock was heard on the door. Taehyung hopped on his feet excitedly. It's had been his daily routine to welcome his husband. He loves when a exhausted Jungkook smiles to be in his embrace.

He opened door with a big smile. Excited to see Jungkook but his smile faded away when he saw Mr. Jeon instead. He looked down and bow him nervously.

" Hello Taehyung. Won't you invite me inside boy." Taehyung looked up with wide eyes but still nodded nervously showing him the way.

"J-jungkook-shi has not return yet sir. P-please have a seat I was making dinner for Jungkook-shi. Will y-you like me to make you dinner sir?" He said trying hard not to shutter, with a pleasant smile.

"No Taehyung its fine you don't need to make anything. In fact Jungkook will be having his dinner outside today." Hearing that his smile faded away. He was looking forward for tonight. Jungkook said they will be having dinner together.

" Would you like to join me for dinner boy?" Mr. Jeon asked him. Taehyung was not sure what to say. But he certainly didn't want to deny his offer. It was Jungkook's father after all. Taehyung nodded his head biting his lower lips. Mr. Jeon took him to his car and drive to their destination.


Earlier the day.

Jungkook pecked his lips for the last time before going to the front door. He hold the door knob and took a last glance at his love.

" I will try to come fast ok love. We will have dinner together. And I might bring you some ice-cream okay! " Taehyung's eyes led up listening his words. Jungkook can see the adorable doe eyes which spoke a lot stating he will wait desperately for the ice-cream. Jungkook couldn't control not to kiss him again. He pecked few more times before driving his car.

He will not forget to bring ice-cream for his babe.

Jungkook reached the University when his phone rang up. He picked up the call knowing it would be his mother asking if he had his breakfast.

" hello! Mom"

" how are you Jungkook. Did you reach the university?"

" Yes mum I just reached and before you ask I had the most delicious breakfast made by Taehyung." he said trying to convey the message to his mum that Taehyung is taking care of him.

" That's good Jungkook. I called you to let you know that we arranged a date for you with Mrs. So's daughter today. " Jungkook lost his sense in just a split of a second.

" Are you serious mum? You know I love Taehyung and you are arranging a date for me? "

" Stop with your lies already Jungkook. You are just lying about your relation. If you really loved him why would you lie about him before. " His father roared from the other side.

" I'm not lyi-"

" I have already fixed a date for tonight. I will send you the address. Be there on time." His father said and hung up the call.

Jungkook grabbed his hair in frustration. He was about to sit on the chair when his phone notification went on again showing a message from his mother. He threw the phone in frustration. He really don't understand why his parents are acting like this.

They used to always ask him to get a partner and settle down and now when he has someone, they are behaving weirdly.


Back to the present

They arrived to the restaurant where Jungkook was supposed to be on the forced date.

Yes, Mr. Jeon took him to the same restaurant where Jungkook was having his forced date. They were about to enter the restaurant when Taehyung saw them sitting at the corner table. His heart broke but he didn't let it out in his face.

" What happened Taehyung? You are not coming inside?" Mr. Jeon pretended not to know the situation. Jungkook's father planned this to know if what they claimed is right.

" Ah n-no, can we go somewhere else sir?" Taehyung tried his best not to shutter with his aching heart.

" What happened Taehyung don't you want to stop him ?" Taehyung looked up to him with slightly teary eyes. But Mr. Jeon didn't see it. He thinks that Jungkook doesn't want to marry so he just used Taehyung to get out of the situation. Taehyung needs money and Jungkook is just taking benefit of him.

" I don't have the right to sir. I bowed to never interfere in his decisions. I'm in no place to say anything." He said looking down, fidgeting the hem of his shirt.

He surely was broke into piece seeing him with someone else but he doesn't own him does he? May be Jungkook owns Taehyung but Taehyung doesn't own Jungkook. At least that's what he thinks.

Mr.Jeon smirked at himself thinking he has already figured out the situation. If they are lovers Taehyung would react at the situation. Any normal person will. At least get angry and ask Jungkook to come with him but nothing like that happened. Taehyung wants to go from there silently.

Mr. Jeon nodded and took him to another restaurant.

" Tell me more about you Taehyung. Where are you from?"

" I'm from a small village from Daegu sir."

" And your family? What they do?"

" I have 2 dads. We are farmers sir. "

" Do they know about you being here?" Taehyung stayed silent. Mr. Jeon understood the situation.

They reached the restaurant. They had dinner in complete silence. Taehyung barely touched his food. Taehyung was glad they finished the dinner quickly. they headed to the car.

" Tell me Taehyung what did my son offered to you to act as his lover?" Mr. Jeon asked. Taehyung bit his lips before looking at him.

" He didn't offer me anything sir."

" Is he threatening you Taehyung? Tell me boy. I will not spare him even if he is my son. "

" No Mr. Jeon. " Taehyung answered immediately. " He didn't threatened me. He was the only person who helped me in my worst situation. He is the nicest person I have ever seen. Please don't think like that about him."

Mr. Jeon sighed loudly. Listening to Taehyung it is confirm now he is doing this because Jungkook saved him. He can see the admiration in his eyes He can see he likes his son but his son is just using him for his benefits. He is in debt for saving him. For which he agreed to act as his lover.

They reached back to Jungkook's house. Taehyung bowed to him and was about to enter the house.

" You will be going home tomorrow Taehyung. Be ready and don't tell Jungkook about this. I will take you back to your town."

" But sir-"

" No but Taehyung. You don't belong here son. Your parents must be worried about you. They need to know your whereabouts. "

Taehyung couldn't utter a single word. 3 months back if someone said him that he will take him back home. He would have jumped to the sky. There was nothing else he wanted then to go back home. But now!

Now Jungkook matters the most.

Leaving him?

He cannot even imagine. But the truth remains that Jungkook doesn't belongs to him. This is just a dream to be loved by him. To be in his embrace.

And after what he saw tonight, was there anything to stay for?

Tomorrow he has to leave him and go back to his reality. It's not like he didn't miss his family. He loves them. He miss them like crazy every day. But now , right at this moment, he is afraid to leave Jungkook.

" You can rest tonight Taehyung. I will pick you tomorrow."

Taehyung didn't utter a word. Mr.Jeon left but Taehyung was still standing on the doors. He couldn't believe what is happening with him. These 4 months went through hell and heavens. Everything that happened to him. Coming here, getting kidnapped , meeting Jungkook, getting rescued and falling in love with him. Each moments spend with him was precious for him. He was happy these 4 months happened. He was glad he met Jungkook. He doesn't regret anything in these 4 months because if things have been different, he would never have met Jungkook.

And now that he has only one night left, he doesn't know how to intake this situation. Should he tell everything to Jungkook? Should he go back home?

But again if Jungkook liked him he wouldn't have gone dinner with another girl. He cannot forget that he is just a slave for his master. Even if Jungkook said he likes him now but still he can't provide him a better life like that girl can.

They can have a better family. The girl can complete his family. Jungkook deserves better. He deserves a beautiful family which Taehyung can never provide him.

He smiled sadly entering the house. If this is the last night in this house he will cherish every moment of this night. He will make this night the most memorable night in his life.

A night with which memories he can spend his whole life.


Buckle up the seat belt people

Things are gonna take a twist.

Are you ready for it???