It was 7 in the morning when both Namjin woke up. They woke up today with a shuffling sound and sweet smell from the kitchen.
They get up and looked at each other with a knowing look.
"Young Love!" Jin said with a tease evident in his voice. Namjoon shook his head smiling at his husband.
"Can you believe it? Our little baby is married." Namjoon said shaking his head. Jin just smiled at him.
" He has never set foot on the kitchen without you and now making breakfast and all." He said showing his dimple smile.
"He is prepped up after your pep talk yesterday. Don't come to me crying when he leaves again to search for his husband." Jin said shaking his head.
" Then what should I do Jinnie? You saw him yesterday. All torn up and broken into pieces. I will not stay silent when my son thinks he doesn't deserve his love."
" I can't see him like that too Joonie but what can we do Joonie? They are pretty big people. " He said raising his shoulders.
" I don't care how big they are. If they hurt my son they have to talk to me." Namjoon said filled with anger but his anger went down immediately when the door opened revealing Tae with a tray filled with delicious breakfast.
" Appa! Eomma! Good morning... I made you breakfast today. " He said placing the tray in front of him.
The smell filled their nostrils.
" Someone has been taking good care of his husband." Jin commented getting a immediate whine from Taehyung.
" Eommaaaaa.... " he whined fidgeting the hem of his shirt.
" Jungkook must be really lucky getting to eat all these dishes every day.... After all he has got a good chef as his husband. " Namjoon said taking a bite of the meal. Taehyung whined again.
" Appa don't tease me please...." He whined again a pout decorating his lips.
" Ahhh... Sorry sorry I forgot only your Kookie has right to tease you now. " Namjoon teased him more. Taehyung hid his face in Jin's lap, hugging his waist.
" Eomma help." Taehyung whined again not raising his face.
" Okay okay. Joonie don't tease our Taehyungie. And let me taste this delicious dishes. " he said grabbing a plate and smell it. "Hmmmm.... Smell delicious. This Jungkook guy must have saved a country in his previous life to eat these everyday. " Jin said like a fact, tease evident on his voice. And the series of Taehyung whining continued.
They ate the breakfast with small talks and tease here and there. Once they finished the meal, Taehyung rushed to his room and brought some papers along.
" Appa I have decided I will join college and get a degree. I will prove my worth. I will prove them I deserve my Kookie." He said showing them a magazine. Jin looked at Namjoon and raised his eyes, as if saying 'I told you so'. Namjoon rolled his eyes looking away and shaking his head.
" See Appa this is Kaist the biggest university in Daejeon." he said showing the picture on the magazine.
" Are you sure Tae? It's pretty big. How are you gonna manage to get admission ? " Namjoon said taking the magazine from his hands.
" I will work hard and earn the money Appa. I will get admission and get a degree. Then Mr. Jeon will accept me. Kookie will be so happy." he said showing his boxy smile.
Namjin smiled at him but their hearts were beating fast. They could see the dream and desire he has to be with his husband. The determination to win him back.
No scratch that.
He was determinate to earn him.
Their son just returned after 4 months and here he is ready to pack his bags again to go back to his husband.
They looked at each other with eyes full of emotion.
Yes. It's time to let him go.
On the other contradictory world. Jungkook was barely hanging himself. He looked week and vulnerable. He goes to work. Eat and attend lectures but only he knows how he was dying every second.
It was night already. Jungkook was on the way to home. He didn't took his car today. Didn't feel like driving. He went to wherever his legs took him. After waking sometime he saw a ice-cream truck. One where he once visited with Taehyung.
Jungkook and Taehyung were walking back to their home after shopping some groceries. Taehyung was happily holding Jungkook 's hand.
They saw a ice-cream truck on the way. Taehyung looked at it like a kid with big doe eyes.
" Do you want to have it?" Taehyung looked at Jungkook biting his lips. He wanted to try it but didn't know how to ask him. And that Jungkook asked him. He was too shy to say yes. He just stared at him with big eyes. Jungkook chuckled and ruffled his hair. He pulled his wrist and went to the truck.
" Which flavor you want?" He asked but Tae just stared at the varieties of ice-cream with wide eyes.
" Just choose anything you like babe."
"Umm... I don't know which is good. Can you choose for me Jungkook-shi?" He asked playing with the hem of his shirt.
" You never had ice cream before?" Jungkook asked being surprised. But soon it vanished as he realized how Taehyung is. His Taehyung is really innocent and far from any predilection. He smiled and caressed his hair.
" You like strawberries right?" He asked him softly. Taehyung nodded shyly, his head still looking down.
" One Strawberry and one mint Choco please. " ( trust me I tried mint Choco just for Kookie and it was worth it) He ordered. Taehyung sat on the the bench near the truck. Jungkook brought their ice-cream and handed one to him.
Taehyung was about to take a bite when he saw a small girl not so far away standing by the bench staring at the ice cream truck. Taehyung looked at the girl. She was looking at the ice-cream with innocent eyes. He could feel the girl longing to have one.
" Do you want to have it little one?" he asked the girl. The girl looked at him with wide eyes.
" I didn't eat it yet. Here you can have it." he gave the ice-cream to her. The girl took the ice-cream smiling widely. She thanked him and eat the ice-cream happily.
Taehyung looked back. Jungkook was smiling at him. His eyes were full of affection and adoration for him.
" I'm not sharing mine with you." he said teasing him.
" It's ok Jungkook-shi" he said with a smile.
"You don't know what's your missing. It's really good. hmmm really taste." he said taking a bite.
"Of course it is." He said still showing his boxy smile.
" I'm not buying you another one."
" It's ok. As long as she is happy." he said showing his boxy smile. Jungkook always gets surprised by his innocence and selflessness. How easily he sacrifice everything for others. How he smiles in others happiness. He is just in love with his innocence.
He wrapped his hands around his waist pulling him closer and shared his ice-cream with him. He smiled looking at his expression when he took the first bite. He was looking like a small kid. His eyes were glowing when he taste his first ice cream. He could have bought him another ice-cream but he preferred sharing it.
He wanted to share everything with his Taehyung.
A drop of tear rolled down his cheeks. Jungkook bought a ice cream and sat on the same bench where they shared the beautiful moment together. He watched people coming to the truck having their own moment. Some came with their friends, some with family. Everyone enjoyed the ice cream with their loved ones and here he is alone in the world. No one to hold his hands. No one to share his ice cream. The ice cream melted and flowed down his hands but still no one to wipe it or wipe the tears rolling down his cheeks.
Jungkook was lost in his own world when he heard a faint sob coming from somewhere. He slowly raised his head looking around. A small girl was crying holding the bars of the big gate. It was the same girl Taehyung gave his ice cream that day. She was looking somewhere sobbing hard.
He looked at the direction she was looking. There was 2 small kids enjoying their ice cream with their parents. They were laughing and playing around. He looked back at the girl, she sobbed hard turned around running inside the building. He raised his eyes to read the board on the gate.
St. Mary's Orphanage.
How is it going?