Untitled Part 36


6 months

It took 6 whole months for Taehyung to plan his journey. He worked hard every day in the field. He only used to help his parents sometimes but these 6 months he work hard to earn every penny. He saved every penny to start his voyage. He packed his bags once again leaving his family. Determined to return with his husband.

Of course Namjin were scared to death. Their son was leaving them again but there was nothing they can do to stop him this time. The voyage was already destined for him. Everything was set and Taehyung was standing right in front of the big building he chose to be his destiny.


He could feel himself getting closer to his love. But this time the way to Kaist was not alone.

After what happened last time Jimin himself came with him to drop him to his destination. He along with his elder brother came all the way to Daejeon. He loves his best friend and he was too much that he might get lost again or get in some kind of trouble again.

" Are you sure you wanna do it Tae?" Jimin asked hugging his best friend. He still want his best friend to change his decision. He wants to put him inside a bag and take him back to his home. But he knows his stubborn bestie will not like it.

"Yes chimmy I want to be the best student of Kaist." he assured him showing his boxy smile. They both hug each other for a long time. Seojoon handed him the bag. Taehyung took it and went to the gate. He reached the gate and turned back.

" Don't worry Chimmy I will be back before you say mochi. " he said with his boxy smile waving his hand and went inside the building.

"Mochi!" Jimin said with a bitter chuckle. Jimin just stared at the disappearing figure. He is still nervous to let him go.

Seojoon placed his hands on his shoulders with a smile. Jimin looked back at his brother.

" he will be okay..... He's strong enough to handle things now..." he said rubbing his shoulders.

"Tsk..." Jimin smiled a little. " He has to be okay. After all he will be the best student of Kaist. " Jimin said blinking his tears away.

(The only person that can make me cry even if just say Mochi)


"Sorry sir. But we don't take any students like this." The girl in the reception told him.

"But why? I have money see." he said showing the money he saved. The receptionist looked at him with a smile.

" This is the biggest university in Korea sir. This much money is not enough." she politely denied again.

" Then.... Then tell me how much is needed I will comeback once I have enough." the lady sighed loudly.

"Look kid even if you get enough money we can't take you here. You don't have proper education or certificates to join here." she tried to convince him.

" But..."

"No buts, now go back to your home kid. You can't join here."

Taehyung made a big pout going out of the reception. His eyes became glossy while sitting in the big garden of the University. He planed for 6 months and now he can't even start his journey. He was in his own world when-

" Hey! Buddy can you do me a favor?" Taehyung looked up at the voice blinking the moisture in his eyes.

" Can you please look after my bags for a moment I have to submit a form in the reception." he said with a smile.

" Yaa sure." Taehyung said giving him a smile as well.

The boy came back with his friend after sometime.

"Hey thanks buddy." He said sitting beside him.

"I'm Taehyun." he said shaking his hands.

" Nice to meet you. I'm Taehyung. Did you get the admission? " he asked showing his big doe eyes.

" Yes! I just join the 1st semester. What about you? "

" I want to join too. Can you please help me getting admission? "

He took his bag and was about to say more when a girl and some boys came to them.

" Hey Hyun." Mark said. Hyun just waved at them.

"Hey Hyun. How are you babe?" she said with a smile. And kissed his cheeks. Taehyung smiled looking at them.

" You know how I am babe. I really wanted to join dance school but dad forced me to join here."

"It's ok Hyun. I will be here with you." she said hugging him.

"Anyways meet my new friend. Taehyung. And Taehyung, this is my girlfriend. Yuna. (I forgot what her name was) And they are my school friends. " he introduced them. Both smiled at each other.

"So, what were you guys taking about" Mark asked.

Taehyung told his new friends about his situation and why he wants to join the university.

" Please help me. You said you all got admission. Please get me in too."

"Taehyung it's not easy you know. And it's not just about money. You don't have certificate to join. They won't let you in without any schooling." Hyun said.

" Please you said you are my friend. Please help me." Taehyung was desperate to get in the University. It was the only way he can prove his worth.

"Hyun, why don't you let him join in your place?" Yuna said jokingly.

" What?.... Are you insane Yuna?" Jake, one of Hyun friend said.

"No. Just look at you guys. If we change his hair color he will look just like you. And if he joins here in your place, then you can go join dance school as well." She explained sipping her drink.

"Even if you change hair color. My dad's men can recognize my face." Taehyun said rolling his eyes.

"That's simple Hyun. He just has to wear a mask all the time. No one will know it's him." Mark said throwing a mask at Taehyung. Taehyung was shocked at sudden gesture and struggle to catch the mask.

" oh my god Yuna, that's a brilliant idea." he said hugging his girlfriend.

" Hyun, I was just kidding." she said pushing her boyfriend.

" But it's a brilliant idea babe. That way he can study here and I can join dance school without any issues." He said and kissed her knuckles.

"But that's illegal." Taehyung said frowning his eyes.

"Come on Taehyung. You want to study and I want to dance. It will be the perfect solution for us. You can study here in my name and I can persuade my dreams. What else you want?" He said raging his eye brows.

"N-no it's wrong." He said trying not to shutter.

Of course Taehyung wants to study but not like this. Not from a wrong way.

"Taehyung, what more you need more? you don't need to pay anything just study here like you wish. You can wear my clothes. You can stay in my dorm. You don't have to spend a penny. What else you need?" Taehyun was a spoilt kid. He has got everything he wanted. So, Taehyung was making him irritated.

" B-but" he was about to say something but Hyun cut him off.

"No buts Taehyung. I want to join dance school and persuade my dreams at any cost." He said raging his voice. Taehyung flinched at his reaction. Yuna kept her hand in his shoulder.

" Hyun, relax. He is getting scared." she turned to Taehyung. Taehyung grabbed his bag nervously.

" I- I should go now. It w-was nice meeting you." He bowed nervously and went out of the building.

" You're letting him go?" Jake commented looking at him with a smirk.

" Nobody says no to me." He said getting up from his seat. " Kang Taehyun gets what he wants. and no one can come between me and my dream." He said with a evil smirk.


Taehyung hurriedly went out of the building. He looked back and let out a sigh when he didn't see anyone following him. He turned back and was about to walk again when he felt someone hitting his head with something. And the last thing he remembers before he lost his sense, was a devil smirking at him.


A splash of water woke the brunette up. Taehyung tried to open his eyes slowly. He felt a sharp pain in his head. He tried to hold his head but he couldn't move his hands. He looked down only to find himself tide up in a chair. Then the reality hit him hard.

He looked around and saw his so called new friend sitting in front of him with his friends.

" So you finally woke up." He said with a smirk.

" W-What do you want?" Tae tried to say without shuttering.

" Isn't it obvious Taehyung. I want you to join Kaist in my place and you will do as I said."

" B-but it's wrong."

" You will do as I say if you wanna live. You don't wanna see the devil in me Taehyung." he said raging his voice.

" Y-you can do anything with me b-but it's wrong. I-I won't do it." he said trying hard not to shutter.

" Who said I will do anything to you? I will kill your lover." Taehyung lost his color listening his words. And Taehyun knew now the game is in his court.

" You came here for your lover right? Then what will you do when I kidnap your lover and kill him infront of you." He said with a devil smile. He kept his finger under his chin and made him look up.

" No please.... No..... Don't do anything to him." He plead in front of him.

" You don't want anything happening to your dear lover right?" He said with a smirk. A drop of tear rolled down his(Tae) cheeks. He shook his head in negative.

" So, Taehyung, will you let your dear love die in front of you." Taehyung sobbed without saying a word.

Will he sacrifice himself for his love?

Taehyung don't even need to think even for a second to answer that. He cried silently lowering his head.

" You will join your classes tomorrow Kang Taehyun. Be ready. "


So, Any thoughts?

I'm too tired to write. Give me energy.