Untitled Part 38


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3 years.

3years went like wind. There was not a day when I didn't miss you. This is the last year. I will graduate this year. More like Kang Taehyun will graduate this year.

Even after 4 years of hard work. I still will have nothing. Like every year I topped the University but it's still not me.

Kang Taehyun topped the University.

Appa.... I topped the University. You are proud of me right? Eomma will be so proud of me. He will dance like crazy around the village shouting my name to everyone. I hope I can meet you guys soon. Chimmy will also join you to dance. He will take a banner with him and cheer for me till his throat hurts. But it's not my name Appa. I'm not Kang Taehyun.

I am Kim Taehyung.

Life sure plays game with me. When I was in my peaceful world, some demons took me to hell. I was alone in the loop hole when my prince charming rescued me and took me to his world. Things were hard at first. His heart was cold but slowly it melted for me. We had spend beautiful moments together. Then a storm came and it swept me back to my world.

Like all fairytales my fairies also gave me hope. Showed me way to get back to my prince charming. But again another demons had captured me. I'm so close to my prince charming but still so far.

I still have 1 whole semester to spend here. But still I will gain nothing from this. I might have to get admission again and study for 4 years more.

You will wait for me, right Kookie.

You must wait for me. Or else I won't talk to you.

I managed 3 years to study in the same university without getting caught by you. I wish I don't get any of your class this year too. It's the last year Kookie. I promise to go back to you after all this chaos. Please wait for me.


On the other side,

Jungkook stopped his car again in front of the biggest Rolex shop in the city. He has been here many times for the last 3 years. Jungkook opened the door revealing same old manager welcoming him to the shop.

" Is it fixed Soobin ?" He asked with a soft smile.

" It just came this morning, Jungkook." He said taking out a box from the drawer.

" I still recommend you to get a new watch Jungkook. " He said, opening the box revealing the old used watch.



It was the same watch Taehyung gifted to him. It's been 3 years but Jungkook still wears the watch. The watch is already worn out. Jungkook has to repair it every 3-4 months but still he can't let it go.

Jungkook smiled at the statement taking the watch out of the box.

" I already told you Soobin . It's special to me. I can't replace it." He said wearing the watch on his wrist. He caressed the band softly. The watch was already worn out. Jungkook even didn't agree to change the torn band.

" As you wish Kook. But I will still recommend you to exchange it. Repairing this old watch every 3 4 months is costing you much more than a new edition Rolex. Even the parts are not found in the market any more. I don't think we will find the parts after this." Soobin said as Jungkook paid for the repair..

" It's ok Soobin. Thanks for the help man. " Jungkook bid him goodbye and headed to his car.


Taehyung reached the cafeteria sighing for the nth time. He walked towards the boys he don't want to go to but still he has to.

" Oh look whose here. Our dear Kang Taehyun." Mark said with a devil smile. Taehyung looked down without saying anything.

" I-I completed your assignment Mark." he said handing over the file to him. Mark smirked taking the file. He pushed the pack of bread towards him. It's been 3 years they only give him 2 slice of bread for meal. He don't know what food even taste like now.

" C-can can I have something e-else today for l-lunch?" Taehyung tried telling them without shuttering. Mark frowned his eyes.

" What was that? You want something else for lunch?" he said grabbing the package.

" you should have told me you only want water for lunch. " he smirked evilly, grabbing the package. Taehyung grabbed the packet immediately.

" No no I can eat this. I don't want anything else. I will eat this. " he took the packet and was about to go. When Mark called him again.

" Before you go, take these with you. And complete it quickly." he said, throwing the assignment papers at him.

" But but I have to complete my assignment too. " Taehyung said in low voice.

It's always been like this. Taehyung was forced to complete their works and assignments. They enjoy their night at club when Taehyung spend his night completing their projects. And if he says no, they beat him to the plump. They enjoy his miseries.

" Was that a complaint I hear? You know the consequences right?" They always threaten him and Taehyung follows them without any questions.

Taehyung shook his head with glossy eyes. He took the file from the table.

" And one more thing. Taehyun is coming today. So don't leave your dorm. " Taehyung nodded and left the cafeteria. Things were really hard for him. Taehyung reached his dorm and let his body fall on the mattress.

3 years he suffered alone in this room. Kang Taehyun made sure to break him to the extinct that he cannot ever rebel against him. Mark and his friends treat him like a slave. They let him do all their academic works and if he denies they beat him till he pass out. The only meal for him was 2 slice bread which he won't get if he doesn't complete the work. The day Taehyun visits, Taehyung needs to stay the whole day in his room. Taehyun made sure nobody else sees them together.

Taehyung wipe his tears letting the exhaustion swallow him to sleep. The only place he can meet his love. The only thing kept him alive these 3 years. The only thing he ever dreamed of. Dreams to be with his love. Where he can be in his husband's arms.


It was the next morning when Taehyung woke up. The semester starts from today. His last semester. His last year of agony. He will be free to go back home. He could finally go to his Kookie.

Taehyung blabber to himself reaching the reception to get his schedule. He thank the girl on the reception and checked the schedule ...







And again...








And again...







And again...

Not believing his eyes and cursing his luck, pouting badly. Because this year he has a class with the famous handsome professor JEON JUNGKOOK.


Taehyung sat on the corner. Of course he don't have any friends so he don't need to talk to anyone. But still he hears the continuous gossips coming from the girls around the class who are huge fans of their handsome professor.

Taehyung tries hard to ignore them but still pouts listening to the lusty girls talking about his Kookie.

"Professor Jeon is really handsome."

"Yes, I will do any thing just to have him for a day.... Or a night. " She said winking at her friends.

" Have you seen his veiny hands. I would love to have those hands on me." She said sliding her hands from her face to neck closing her eyes.

" I bet he his huge..... I wanna see that like oh my gwad...." They snickered imagining dirty stuffs.

Taehyung was sulking and pouting listening to their gossip.

Yes, he is huge and only I can have him.

He is only mine.

You can't have him.

You can't even see it.

Not even in your dreams. huh !

Taehyung was murmuring in low voice to himself when the handsome professor entered the class. The class went silent but still small murmurs were heard here and there. The boy sulking a minute ago went all numb and nervous. Jungkook is here, what if he sees him. What will he say? How will he face him? How will Jungkook react?

No it's not the right time Kookie.

Don't look at me.

They will hurt you Kookie.

Please don't look at me.

He murmurs to himself closing his eyes.

It was a normal day for Jungkook. Nothing new. Nothing Special. He entered the class without glancing at the students. He can hear low murmurs and he knows it's the girls talking about him but he doesn't care and went to his desk.

" Good Morning class. Let's start the day with the roll call okay! " Jungkook said taking the register. He called each name and mark the attendance without taking his eyes off the register.

Lee Woonho


Kim Ji- woo


Choi Se-yon


Kang Taehyun

"Mr. Kang Taehyun " He said again without looking up.


That Voice

Jungkook snapped his head in a spilt of a second. The world can make mistake but he can never make mistake to recognize that voice. Jungkook searched for the person who just spoke.

" Mr. Kang Taehyun, please raise your hand . " Jungkook said trying to find the person. The whole class went silent at once. After a few moment of silence Taehyung raised his hand slowly. Taehyung bit his lips looking down, hoping Jungkook won't recognize him.

Jungkook stared at the small figure sitting at the corner. The hair was black. Clothes were branded. The person wore a mask, his hair was long covering his eyes. The person was the exact opposite of what his Taehyung was. Jungkook gulped hard, still staring at the figure. He looked at the register again.

Kang Taehyun.

Jungkook had lots of emotions coming up but he couldn't show them just now. He took a long breath before continuing the class. His brain was screaming at him, to go and snatch that mask over his face but he was a professor. He can't act as he wish in the class.

Jungkook had a hard time finishing the hour. It was the longest class he has ever taken. He just wanted to quickly finish it.

The class completed giving a hard time for both Taekook. Both felt like a whole life went by this 1 hour. The bell rang and students went out of the class one by one.

Taehyung tried to hide in the crowd and get out of there but before he could, a voice stopped him.

" Mr. Kang Taehyun." Taehyung stopped on his step. But didn't dare to look up to the person calling him.

"I have to discuss some issues with you. Could you please stay back a little." Jungkook said and Taehyung hesitantly nodded his head. Taehyung slowly went near him without raising his head. He could feel his heart speeding like hell.

On the other hand Jungkook was no better. He just want to go and embrace his babe but he knows it's not possible in front of his students. Once everyone left the class, Jungkook took a deep breathe before speaking.

" Can you please remove your mask." He said trying to sound stern but only he knows how vulnerable he was at the moment. Taehyung didn't move a muscle. He stood there keeping his head down.

" I said remove your mask." He said again which made Taehyung flinch a little. Taehyung took off his mask slowly and looked up. The moment their eyes met Jungkook's world took a 360° turn.

" Taehyung !" He said in a whisper. His eyes got teary. He couldn't believe his own eyes. His love was right in front of him. He took a step ahead to embrace his love in his arms but stopped when Taehyung took a step back. He was looking down biting his lips.

Then it strike him. This person standing in front of him was Kang Taehyun. Not Kim Taehyung. That means Taehyung had lied about his identity. He was never Taehyung. Lots of scenarios went by his mind. How Taehyung was here. How he got here. Why he never contacted him when he was right here under his nose. What's stopping him.

On the other hand, Taehyung was feeling very emotional hearing his name after 3 years and it was from the person he loves more than anything. He was about to say something but he stopped when Jungkook spoke again.

" Kang Taehyun" Taehyung looked up with teary eyes. He couldn't form a word when Jungkook called him that. His Kookie was misunderstanding the situation.

" So, you were never Kim Taehyung." He said with no emotion shown in his face. He blinked his tears away and shook his head furiously.

" No.... No... Jungko-"

" You lied to me. " He said anger evident in his voice. He was definitely happy to see Taehyung but hurt as well. Taehyung was right here in his University but he never tried to contact him. He even lied his name that made him doubt even if he ever had loved him in the first place when Jungkook was madly in love with him.

" Jungkook... Please... Please don't took me w-wrong. I will tell you everything. Just- "

" Taehyun" He was about to say more when Yuna called him from behind. Taehyung wore the mask back immediately, looking down.

" Taehyun, What are you still doing here? We were waiting for you." She said grabbing his arms. Jungkook looked at her hands with angry red eyes. If a glare could kill someone. Yuna would have be buried 10 ft under the under. Taehyung looked at Jungkook for a slight moment and turned to her.

" Nothing... I was just asking about the courses." He said and bowed to Jungkook and left with her. And before Jungkook could say any thing they were out of the class.


What's up purplaliens?

Hope you like the updates.

Will try to complete this book as soon as possible.

And question of the day.

What do you think. What will happen next?