Untitled Part 52

After the hot session, Jungkook cleaned him nicely before going to the downstairs. His babe was tired and now it's his duty to fill his stomach. He tugged him nicely in the bed before going downstairs with a last peck.

Taehyung was resting in the bed trying to get some sleep when suddenly he heard his husband scream out loud.

He opened his eyes wide in fear and rush down stairs only to see a chaos in the kitchen.


Kook went towards the kitchen. He was all smiley but soon felt stream pain.

" Eommaaa.... What happened? What are you doing here?" He asked surprised to see his father in law in the kitchen.

" We came here to meet our son and son in law. Who forgot that we are bringing their children today. But instead of picking us you were busy eating each other." Jin said pulling his ear harshly.

" I gave you my son. I thought you will take care of him but here you are making him scream. Is that how you take care of my son?" He shouts and pulled his ear even harder causing Jungkook to scream in pain. He pulled him towards the living room where others were sitting.

Soon big heavy steps were heard coming down in a hurry.

" Kookie.... Kookie... What happened ? " His eyes widen and rushed to the kitchen from where he heard the scream. He ran all the way to the corridor just to see his husband screaming in pain and his Eomma pulling his ear oh so harshly with killer expression.

" Eomma!!!!" He screamed and went ahead to rescue his husband but who would have ever be saved from the wrath of the great Kim Seok Jin?

Noone... Literally noone....

Don't even try...

Taehyung tried to save his husband but instead Jin pulled his ears too with the other hand.

" Ahhhh Eomma...." He screamed loudly, causing Jungkook enter alert mode. But he could only look at his babe not help him. After all it was his Eomma punishing him.

" You come here... My good for nothing brat." Jungkook tried to save him but Jin twisted both their ears more.

" I thought I raised an innocent child but here we are. How will your kids grow up? By listening your moans?" Jin pushed Jungkook on the couch which he landed with a thud and pushed Taehyung the same way causing him to land on his lap.

Jungkook wrapped his arms immediately around his husband, caressing his red ears.

" Are you okay babe? Does it hurt?" Taehyung turned immediately caressing his(kook) red ears.

" No, Kookie I'm fine. Is it hurting?" He asked blowing air over his ears.

" Awww... What a sweet couple..." Jin said sarcastically and went to the kitchen. Taehyung looked at his father with a pout as he began to turn red in embarrassment as he remembered what his parents and friends might have witness.


Few hours back

Yoongi stopped the car in front of Jungkook's house. He had went to the village to let the girls meet their grand parents on their weekends. Namjin and Jimin enjoyed their weekends with the girls and decided to spend somedays with Taekook. In these few months Yoongi and Hobi had become very close to them. They were not just mere friends but family.

Jimin went and rang the door bell but no one opened the door.

" I don't think they are home. They didn't opened the door." Jimin said to others. Namjoon and Jin were taking the luggage out of the car.

" Oh don't worry I have a spare key. Here open it. " Yoongi said passing the key to Jimin but the girls snatched the key and quickly went to open the door.

" We will open the door." Eun and Rae opened the door and went straight inside followed by Yoongi and Hoseok. Eun and Rae went looked around the floor but they didn't find Taekook.

" They are not here. " Rae said to Hobi but before Hobi said anything Eun caught her hands and dragged her to the second floor.

" They might be in the room." Yoongi and Hobi just laughed at the girls and were about to go to the car to take the luggage when they were low moans and grunt coming from upstairs. They gasped loudly when they realized the situation and rushed to the 2nd floor to fetch the girls.

Eun and Rae were in front of the door when they heard some noise coming from the room. They wondered why their parents were screaming. Mostly their Eomma.

Eun was afraid for why her parents were fighting. She was scared but still wanted to know what's wrong with her parents. So she turned the knob slowly and opened the door but before they could see inside a pair of hands wrapped around her eyes and closed the door with loud thud.

Well, Taekook were so lost in their deeds that they never noticed what else was happening in the house.

Yoongi and Hobi just reached on time to stop the girls. Yoongi carried Rae and asked her to close her ears with both hands while his hands were busy closing her eyes. Hobi was closing Eun's ear from his hands and asked her to close her eyes.

Both Yoongi and Hobi run for their life. Actually for their innocence. When they reached down Namjin and Jimin had just entered the house and were frowning looking at them They all wondered why they were running like this.

" What happened?" Namjoon asked.

" Why are you running ?" Jimin asked but Yoongi and Hobi didn't even bothered to answer them and just rushed out of the house with the girls. Jin was about to ask to when all of them struck on their feet when they heard some loud moans coming from upstairs.

" Oh" That's all Jin could say hearing not so innocent moans of his innocent son.


That was 3 hours ago and here two red tomatoes were sitting on the couch with red faces.

" Appa... When did you reach? Y-you didn't wait for long right?" He asked trying not to shutter.

" Oh no Tae. Don't worry we just came." Namjoon answered as he didn't want to embarrass his son more. But a loud voice came from the kitchen making him red again.

" We waited for 3 fucking hours. " Jin shouted from the kitchen and the father and son duo and swear they will dig a hole and burry themselves 6 ft under.

Everyone around their circle takes Tae as an innocent bean who doesn't know anything bad about this world. Who is far from any bad things. Nobody knew about this side of him. But now his friends and family heard him doing the dirties with his husband.

" You didn't h-hear anything right?" Tae asked his father wishing at least they didn't hear anything that happened inside the room.

" Oh no Tae. We didn't hear anything." Namjoon assured his son But-

" WE HEARD EVERYTHING." A loud voice of Jin made the father and son duo red as hell. Namjoon cleared his throat getting up from the couch as he didn't want to embarrassed his son more. On the other side Yoonminsoek was trying hard not to laugh.

" I will just go to the kitchen. Jinnie might need my help." He said and quickly went to the kitchen.

" This is so embarrassing." Taehyung said quickly hiding his red face on his husband's chest who was trying hard not to laugh along with Yoonminseok who were sitting right across them.

" Yeah, right. But I'm still here for you." He said pecking his husband as all of them burst into laugh. Kook laughed with the remaining 3 in the room. Jimin looked at him with slay eyes and asked.

" How was it?" he asked raising his eye brows.

" Pretty amazing." He said with a wink and gave a high five to him while Tae hit his chest with little fist. 

" You all are meanie." Tae murmured as he tried to hide more into his husband's embrace.

" Don't worry babe. I'm right here with you." He said pecking his hair.

" I thought you were innocent Tae. But damn you are a loud kinky one." Jimin teased him again earning a whine from him. Jungkook just chuckled hugging him tightly as Tae just buried his face more and more to his chest.

" I love you darling.... So so much" He said kissing his temples. Jungkook was feeling content in his life right now. The house was full of laughter and happiness.

What can a man ask more in life. A loving family. Friends he can cherish. Two lovely daughters. And a beautiful husband.

Life has seriously took a U turn for his life and he can't ask for better. He was a man who just wanted a robot with no emotion and now has a big family.

His family.

And all thanks to his love.

His Taehyung.


Next chap

Epilogue 💜💜

Can't believe we came this far