Unexpected turns

Mira woke up to the gentle embrace of the morning light, her wavy hair cascading over her face like a delicate veil. She looked like a morning princess, a goddess of dawn, with her rare, glowing skin that seemed even more radiant in the early hours. As she sat up, her eyes widened in surprise when she noticed a figure beside her bed. Her heart pounded as she realized it was Zamian.

Her cheeks flushed crimson as she quietly reached for her phone, which lay just out of reach near Zamian. Her heart raced when she saw the phone was off. She quickly powered it on and gasped when she saw she was an hour late for work. Panic set in as she worried about the consequences of her tardiness.

Mira quietly walked to the bathroom, her face growing warmer as she noticed the partially see-through glass. She hoped to slip in without waking Zamian. Her cheeks flushed even more when she tried to open the door, only for Zamian to stand up. He looked even more handsome than usual, his tousled hair falling over his face in a way that accentuated his striking appearance. Mira froze, unable to find her words. As Zamian's moved in front of her, he pressed a button beside her, causing the bathroom's glass to become opaque. Mira wondered why he hadn't done this the day before when she had asked.

"Good morning," Zamian's smooth, husky voice made her cheeks turn scarlet. Embarrassed, Mira hurriedly opened the bathroom door and stepped inside without saying a word. She felt a rush of shame at her awkwardness, wishing she had responded properly.

As Mira entered the bathroom, she covered her face with her palm, mortified by her reaction. She replayed the awkward encounter in her mind, feeling a pang of regret for not addressing Zamian's greeting. Smacking her forehead in disbelief, she resolved to handle the rest of her day with more grace.

Sitting at the dining table in a dark, well-designed suit, Mira admired its elegance, realizing it was quite expensive. James arrived and informed her, "Hello, Miss Mira. Good morning. Master Zamian has already left for work. I'll drop you off at your job and pick you up later."

Mira nodded in acknowledgment, feeling a mix of relief and curiosity about her day ahead. After finishing her meal, she walked outside the mansion, where James stood by the car, holding the door open for her.


At her office, Mira recalled how, upon arriving, she had explained her lateness to the secretary. The lady assured her it was no problem and that everything had been taken care of. Mira had braced herself for a reprimand or even dismissal, given she was a new employee expected to demonstrate reliability. However, she was told that her tardiness was already handled.

Though a part of her wondered if her granddad had something to do with it, she set that thought aside and focused on her tasks for the day. After what felt like hours, her phone pinged with a new email. She glanced at it and saw it was from Zamian, containing the contract related to their marriage. Mira tapped on the email and began reading it in silence.

As she continued reading she noted an important clause in the contract: she must not arrive at the mansion after 8 o'clock PM. Additionally, if she wants to conceive an heir within the four-month period, she must stay in the same room with Zamian. If she fails to meet this requirement within the four months, the time frame would be extended to eight months. Mira decided she needed to discuss this specific part of the contract with Zamian, as she felt she couldn't manage the timeline as planned.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock at the door. Expecting it to be Zack, she was surprised to find Lily standing there with a warm smile. Lily exclaimed, "Oh my God, Mira! It's been three days! We haven't seen you! We were worried you might have quit! I was so down because we only talked once. I tried asking Zack what was wrong, but he didn't know."

It was then that Mira realized 'Where was Zack'

Lily continued, "He left to get something for you from the cafeteria."

Mira smiled warmly and replied, "But I can get it myself." Lily shrugged, unsure of what to say.

Before they could continue their conversation, there was another soft knock on the door. When Mira opened it, her eyes met Zack's. She smiled at him as Zack laughed and said, "I tried calling you last night, but your phone was off."

Mira didn't fully grasp his point and replied, "I had a lot on my mind. I might have turned it off by mistake." She tried to recall if she had indeed switched off her phone.

Zack reassured her, "No worries. I brought you some food. Why don't you eat here?"

Mira smiled and said, "Thanks, Zack." As he handed her the food, Zack added, "Enjoy your meal. I'll see you all later." Mira smiled again as Zack left, appreciating the food he had brought.

As Mira finished eating, she continued her work. As usual, newcomers were expected to finish an hour earlier than others. Mira packed her bag and came outside, where she saw James standing by the car, holding the door open and gesturing for her to enter.

She noticed that people were whispering around, and she quickly realized it was because the car she was about to get into was one of the most expensive models in the company. The attention made her uncomfortable, and she wondered why it had to be this way.

Once inside the car, as it began to move, Mira spoke quietly, "Mr. James, is there a less conspicuous car available? I'm not really comfortable with this one."

James turned to her and replied, "Yes, Ms. Mira, I can arrange that for you."

As the car continued to move, the atmosphere was calm and quiet. Mira gazed out the window, admiring the beautiful scenery. Her phone buzzed, pulling her attention back to the screen. Her eyes widened in shock as she saw a very large amount of money transferred to her account—an amount she would normally work three years to earn.

Gasping, Mira turned to James and stammered, "Mr. James, I just received a large sum of money. Is it from Mr Zamian?"

James responded casually, "Yes, ma'am. That's your allowance for this month."

Mira's mouth fell open in disbelief. The amount was more than she could have imagined, and she wondered how her life might change if she continued to stay in this place.

Mira's phone buzzed repeatedly, and she saw it was Zack calling. Her expression softened as she answered.

"Hello, Zack."

"I'm really sorry to ask this, Mira," Zack said. "I know it's personal, but I haven't seen you at the apartment for a while. I was wondering if you've moved out or if something has changed."

Mira hesitated. "I'm not sure I should disclose this, but I am staying elsewhere now."

Zack interrupted gently, "I hope this change has nothing to do with my presence at the apartment."

"No, it's not about that," Mira reassured him. "Something happened, and I had to move. I'll explain everything when I see you at the office tomorrow."

"Alright," Zack replied. "I can call you later."

"That works," Mira agreed. "I should be available then."

"Okay, I'll call you later. Bye, Mira."

"Bye, Zack." Mira ended the call, feeling a mixture of relief and apprehension.