Chapter 139: Reencountering Ling Feiyan

The sound emerging from the weeds at the crossroads caught Chu Yang's attention.

But the noise disappeared quickly, and the surroundings fell silent. If Chu Yang's senses had not been sharper than the average person's, he probably wouldn't have heard the faint sound just now.

Chu Yang's gaze fixed on a few white objects deep inside the crossroads, which from the outside and color seemed to resemble a coach bus.

Moreover, Chu Yang could also hear the heavy breathing coming from the underbrush.

Chu Yang turned off the motor-tricycle and got down, walking toward the crossroads.

Hidden in the weeds of the crossroads were five men with covered faces, wielding machetes and axes, their eyes fixed intently on Chu Yang as he approached.

"Big brother, this isn't good. I'm afraid that kid passing by has discovered us," whispered one of the men.

"You had your chance to walk the path to heaven, but you've come to Hell's gateless entrance. Kid, if you're seeking death, you can't blame us."