Chapter 1 Bathing

Wanmin Village on a summer night was unbearable with its stifling heat.

At this moment, Wang Xiaoshuai was crouching down, hiding outside the bathhouse of a rural household.

Through the cracks of the bathhouse window, one could peek at a stunningly beautiful young widow undressing, her figure slender and graceful.

The beautiful young widow was named Li Yufen, twenty-six years old and the number one beauty of Wanmin Village.

Unfortunately, beauty often portends a tragic fate.

Not long after she married Wang Xiaoshuai's older brother, Wang Dashan, she had become a widow due to an accident.

Li Yufen, besides possessing a face of unearthly beauty, also had a figure that was voluptuous and well-proportioned, making nearly every rough-hewn man in Wanmin Village fantasize about her.

However, Yufen always maintained a cool distance from these coarse men.

Her aloof demeanor confirmed that she was not a flirtatious woman.

"She's undressing, she's undressing!"

Wang Xiaoshuai's breath caught when he saw Yufen's hand reach for the zipper on her beige, floral-print long dress.

Unbeknownst to Yufen, she was completely exposed to Wang Xiaoshuai's gaze.

The moment her hand touched the waist zipper, there was a "ziiip" sound as the dress slid down, revealing black undergarments and large expanses of her tender, pale skin.


Wang Xiaoshuai couldn't help swallowing hard.

My goodness, Sister Yufen's figure is absolutely stunning!

Her skin looks even smoother than tofu; anyone who doesn't know better might think she's a rich young lady from the city!

Secretly muttering to himself, Wang Xiaoshuai's eyes widened again.

For at that moment, Yufen's hand moved to the clasp of her bra.


A soft sound, and the bra came undone, revealing her smooth back.

Right after that, the thin, lacy panties were slowly taken off.


Seeing Yufen's perfect body, smooth as creamy jade, unveiled with no reservations to the air, Wang Xiaoshuai's eyes reddened, and his breathing grew heavy.

After stripping fully, Yufen crouched beside a bucket full of hot water, her entire self revealingly bare, and picked up a wooden ladle from beside her.


With ladle after ladle of hot water poured over her body, the cramped bathhouse was quickly filled with steamy mist.

Under the cascade of hot water, Yufen's delicate skin flushed with a touch of rosy red, as drops of water rolled down her exquisite curves...

Wang Xiaoshuai, barely in his twenties and brimming with youthful virility, how could he withstand such extreme temptation?

Once Yufen had thoroughly soaked herself, she picked up a bar of soap and began to wash her body slowly.

And Wang Xiaoshuai's gaze, too, followed the bar of soap, moving restlessly to different places.

The neck, chest, abdomen, back, buttocks, thighs...


Unbeknownst to Xiaoshuai, who was completely engrossed in his voyeuristic appreciation, Yufen let out a soft moan of pleasure.


Despite Wang Xiaoshuai's best efforts to control himself, he couldn't help but experience a nosebleed.

He hurriedly wiped the blood away, careful not to let it fall to the ground and get discovered.

But he was too excited, and in his haste, his elbow accidentally knocked against a wooden stick beside him, causing a crisp sound.

"Damn it!"

Wang Xiaoshuai's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately crouched down.

As expected.

The next second, Li Yufen in the bathroom trembled, picking up her long dress to cover herself as she shouted, "Who's out there?"

Seeing this, Wang Xiaoshuai had a flash of wit, imitated a cat's meow, and quickly hid in the nearby kitchen.

Before long, a dressed Li Yufen opened the bathroom door and came out.

Seeing no stray cat outside the door, she frowned slightly, glanced toward the direction of the kitchen, and slowly walked over.

Seeing this, Wang Xiaoshuai's heart sank, and his heart started to beat violently.

It's over!

If he were discovered, wouldn't Sister Yufen beat him to death...

"Yufen, are you asleep?"

Just as Wang Xiaoshuai was frantic, suddenly, an elderly voice came from outside the door.

The old man!

Wang Xiaoshuai felt a surge of joy, never expecting his grandfather to come over at this time.

And Li Yufen was also startled, paused, then walked toward the courtyard gate.


When the courtyard door opened, it revealed a hunched figure with deep wrinkles and white hair.

He was none other than the old rogue who had adopted Wang Xiaoshuai, and the grandfather of Wang Dashan and Li Yufen.

"Grandfather, you're unwell. Why are you out so late?"

Seeing the old rogue, Li Yufen instinctively helped him into the yard.

And the old rogue, without showing any trace, glanced toward the kitchen before closing the courtyard door.

"Yufen, there's something I want to ask of you..."

"Grandfather, we're family. There's no need to ask. Just say what you need to say."

"Ah, to tell you the truth, it's hard for me to speak about this matter, but keeping it to myself feels terribly uncomfortable."

Hearing his grandfather's words, Wang Xiaoshuai, who had been about to sneak out through the back door of the kitchen, stopped in his tracks.

He was curious about what difficult matter his grandfather had to discuss with Sister Yufen.

After pondering for a moment, the old rogue slowly said, "Yufen, I'm getting old and won't live for many more years..."

"Dashan has been gone for years, and it's been hard for you to be alone. I see all your struggles."

"Grandfather, we're family. Whatever you want to say, just say it." Li Yufen smiled as she saw the old man say all this.

Seeing Li Yufen's reaction, the old man's expression turned serious, and after brewing his thoughts for a while, he continued,

"You've been alone all these years, and Xiaoshuai is alone too. If you don't mind, I was wondering if you'd consider making do with Xiaoshuai from now on? Would that be alright?"


This statement shocked not only Li Yufen but also Wang Xiaoshuai.

Neither of them had expected the old rogue to say such a thing.

But immediately, Wang Xiaoshuai's heart was replaced by a wave of elation.

Sister Yufen was beautiful and kind-hearted. If he could really marry her and have children, his life would be complete!