Chapter 5 Happiness Comes So Fast

So soft!

So bouncy!

Wang Xiaoshuai's eyes widened instantly, and he instinctively responded.

However, Liu Shishi was not satisfied with just that.

While kissing Wang Xiaoshuai, she also began to take off her clothes.

Soon, the plump body unique to a young matron was displayed in front of Wang Xiaoshuai.

Wang Xiaoshuai couldn't withstand such temptation, especially as he felt Liu Shishi continually provoking him; a rush of blood surged upwards, and he immediately became unsettled.

"You sly kid, your mouth says 'no,' but your body is being quite honest," she teased.

"Tsk tsk, you're quite robust; my care over the years wasn't in vain," she mused.

"You've got way more to offer than Zheng Hua. Come on, come feed sister..."

Faced with Liu Shishi's insatiable desire, Wang Xiaoshuai felt like he was about to explode.

The fact that this was Liu Degui's house, and he was seducing that old turtle's precious daughter, only made his heart beat with even more excitement.

But he still managed to retain a shred of rationality. Looking at the thirsty young matron before him, he asked with difficulty, "Sister Shishi, is this really okay? What if someone sees us later?"

"And Sister Shishi, I feel like you're not yourself today; what's the matter? Did that guy Zheng Hua bully you, did you get wronged?" he inquired.

"We'll talk about it later, just take off your pants now; sister wants it right now, hurry..." Liu Shishi seemed very eager, wriggling her body she reached for Wang Xiaoshuai's belt.

Instantly, Wang Xiaoshuai was breached by Liu Shishi's irresistible charm.

He bit his lip and quickly shed his clothes.

Just as he was about to show his mettle, an incongruous voice came from outside the door.

"Anyone there, I want a pack of Daqianmen."


I've already taken off my pants, and you come to buy cigarettes?

Wang Xiaoshuai was so angry his molars hurt, but he recognized the voice outside as that of Wanmin Village's number one old bachelor, Liu Meng.

The guy was famously annoying; if he couldn't get his cigarettes, he'd just keep waiting outside.

To avoid causing a scene, Wang Xiaoshuai could do nothing but forcibly suppress his unrest, reluctantly ceasing his actions.

But as he gave up, Liu Shishi wanted to continue.

"Never mind that old fogey, at worst we just lose something. Xiaoshuai honey, let's keep going..." Liu Shishi was panting heavily, eagerly clinging onto Wang Xiaoshuai.

Wang Xiaoshuai's body shuddered, witnessing Liu Shishi's wild side for the first time.

Feeling her frenzy and the warmth of her body, Wang Xiaoshuai steeled his heart, 'Screw it, if the young lady isn't scared, what am I afraid of!'

Forget it, today, consequences be damned; Sister Shishi is the one asking for it, so even if that old turtle Liu Degui finds out, he can't do anything to me!

"Secretary Liu, Feifei, you weren't home? Where did you go..."

Suddenly, Liu Meng shouted in surprise.

Oh no!

That statement immediately scared Wang Xiaoshuai and Liu Shishi inside, halting their actions.

They held their breath, listening intently to the sounds from outside.

Wondering if Liu Degui and Liu Feifei had really come back!

"Liu Meng? What do you want to buy? Isn't my Shishi home? She can sell to you, why are you waiting outside?"

As Liu Degui's voice sounded, Wang Xiaoshuai and Liu Shishi instinctively glanced at each other, then hurriedly began to put on their clothes.

However, Wang Xiaoshuai fumbled with his pants several times before he managed to put them on properly, and he didn't dare to go out.

Liu Shishi, seeing this, couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle.

She licked her tempting red lips and whispered, "No wonder the whole village says you're different; seeing it today, their words weren't unfounded!"

"Xiaoshuai, sister has fancied you for a long time. It's a pity we can't go through with it today."

"Here's what we'll do; you hide in Feifei's wardrobe, and when it's safe, I'll get you out..."