Chapter 8 Innate Charm

Liu Feifei, upon seeing this, immediately guessed that Wang Xiaoshuai's thoughts were impure.

Her pretty face flushed with embarrassment and annoyance as she exclaimed, "What the hell are you thinking about! You're dead, Xiaoshuai, just wait, I'll definitely get to the bottom of this!"

After dropping that line, Liu Feifei started to closely observe the outside through the crack of the door.

Wang Xiaoshuai stood right behind her, and seeing that he was only a few centimeters away from her made him wish he could mess with her.

The more he thought about it, the more impulsive he became, and his hand reached out as if possessed...

Suddenly, Liu Feifei's delicate body shivered.

She quickly stood up straight and said timidly, "Brother Xiaoshuai, what are you doing!"

Seeing that Liu Feifei was not really angry, Wang Xiaoshuai let out a heh-heh laugh.

He looked outside the door and, seeing that Liu Degui had disappeared, he didn't take more advantage of the situation.

After pinching her hard, he had Liu Feifei get him a roasted chicken before he raced towards home.

"Little bastard, dare you take any longer, people will think you went to incubate eggs."

"Hurry up and go inside, Peilan has been waiting for you for half an hour!"

The old rogue stood at the entrance of the yard, his face stern as he angrily said to the breathless Wang Xiaoshuai.

Seeing the old rogue was angry, Wang Xiaoshuai quickly offered an apologetic smile, "Grandpa, don't be angry, I was just delayed by something, I'm going in now!"

After that, he prepared to dash into the yard with the roasted chicken in his hands.

Actually, he didn't have much hope for this blind date; after all, with his special family background and tough living conditions, most people wouldn't look up to him.

Moreover, ever since Wang Dashan died, his heart had been completely taken by Li Yufen...

Although the old rogue was advanced in years, he was still not senile.

Seeing Wang Xiaoshuai's crumpled clothes and his body drenched in a foul sweat, he immediately knocked Wang Xiaoshuai with a cane, annoyed.

"Just went to buy a roasted chicken and you return looking like this, did you go and do some dishonorable things with that old rogue Liu Meng again? I think you just want to give me, an old man, a heart attack!"

Wang Xiaoshuai did not expect the old rogue to suddenly strike him with a cane, and the sudden pain contorted his face.

He even tripped over the threshold, and as he lost his balance, he plunged toward the ground.

"Ah... Uh!"

However, just as he cried out in alarm, he found himself crashing into a softness.

A pleasant fragrance then filled his nostrils...

"Are you... are you okay?"

Suddenly, a concerned and timid woman's voice rang out.

Wang Xiaoshuai looked up and realized he was leaning against a woman, his face having smashed right into her bosom.

The woman looked to be about twenty-six or twenty-seven, with a standard melon-seed face, delicate features, especially a pair of luscious red lips that were plump and sensual, sparking an urge to kiss them.


Wang Xiaoshuai was captivated.

Although the woman in front of him wasn't quite as good as Li Yufen, she was no less attractive than Liu Shishi who had nearly taken his virginity earlier.

Feeling Wang Xiaoshuai's burning stare, the woman's face turned red.

She subconsciously averted her gaze, but then brought it back, shyly and timidly looking at Wang Xiaoshuai.

"Let go quickly! You little bastard, we aren't even married yet and you're already getting handsy."

"You can get handsy all you want after the marriage is done, play any way you like."

In the end, it was the old rogue who recovered his senses first.

After scolding Wang Xiaoshuai, he turned to the woman and smiled, "Peilan, this is my grandson Xiaoshuai, how does he look, not bad, right?"

"If it's okay with you, I'll go find the matchmaker later, and then pick a good day to get you two married!"

By this time, Wang Xiaoshuai had also straightened up, but his eyes were still fixed on Luo Peilan.

He noticed that not only did this woman have a pretty face, but her figure was also beyond reproach.

She had breasts and buttocks, and most importantly, there was an indescribable charming quality about her that naturally made people want to get closer.

As he thought about it, his mind couldn't help but recall what that old rogue Liu Meng had once told him.

There are women in this world with naturally enticing bones who could kill without leaving a trace, and he figured it must be this woman!