Chapter 97 Finally Getting Yufen

Li Yufen's heart pounded with fear; she was also deeply worried about Wang Xiaoshuai's safety and missed him terribly.

These past few days, she had lost her appetite. Every thought she had led back to Xiaoshuai, and she feared terribly that he would get caught by Liu Degui and his gang. If that were to happen, Xiaoshuai's prospects would certainly be bleak.

Zheng Hua and the others had turned Li Yufen's house upside down, not even sparing the toilet.

Seeing that Xiaoshuai was indeed not there, they could only leave, feeling helpless.

After Zhao Xiaoya and the rest had left, she turned to Li Yufen and said, "Madam Yufen, let's go inside."

At that moment, Zhao Xiaoying, who had also received the news, rushed over from her home in a hurry.

As soon as she stopped, she asked anxiously, "Madam Yufen, has Xiaoshuai really come back?"