Chapter 104 Going Home

And so, Li Yufen led Dr. Wang to the house where Wang Xiaoshuai had once lived.

While they were walking, she asked tentatively, "Dr. Wang, may I know where you are from? Your accent doesn't sound too far from here. Are you from a nearby village?"

"Hehe!" Dr. Wang chuckled, didn't answer, and instead countered, "Madam Yufen, why are you so curious about my identity? Unless you answer my question first, I won't answer yours!"

At that moment, Li Yufen locked eyes with him, and her gaze instantly turned sharp.

So similar! It was strikingly alike.

That gaze, that smile—they seemed to be carved from the same mold.

But she held back her thoughts. She was a crystal-clear woman and knew that if this man really was Wang Xiaoshuai, but didn't recognize her, he must have his reasons.

After all, seven years had passed, and she knew nothing of what he had experienced during these years.