Chapter 189: The Sound Next Door

Wang Xiaoshuai looked at Zheng Hongliu and asked, "Do you wish to live like that too?"

"Of course, I do!" Zheng Hongliu revealed a hint of envy before continuing, "What's most important is our boss treats her really well. By the way, where are you staying now, Brother Xiaoshuai?"

"I took a taxi here right after I got off the bus, didn't you see me carrying my luggage?" Wang Xiaoshuai laughed.

Zheng Hongliu saw this and slightly frowned, "Brother Xiaoshuai, if that's the case, I'm afraid it will be hard for you to find a place to stay. There are no hotels or guesthouses around here because this area is an economic industrial zone, surrounded by factories."

"But the area I live in seems to have those karaoke lounges that offer rooms for just tens of yuan a day, pretty cheap, but it's not exactly convenient. You might as well come with me for now."