Chapter 194 I'm Leaving Tomorrow

"Did I ever say she was the one who seduced me first?" Wang Xiaoshuai said helplessly.

Then, with a wicked smile, he added, "It was mutual admiration, mutual attraction. Understand now? If you're attracted to me, too, I'll take you on right away, want to try?"

"Shameless!" Zheng Hongliu scolded angrily. "Tell me the truth, how did you end up hooking up? Don't tell me you two got together just as I went on the night shift?"

"It wasn't that fast, probably about three hours ago," Wang Xiaoshuai recalled.

"Speaking of which, you, a untouched virgin, why are you so eager to pry into other people's private lives? Could it be that you've really fallen for me? Nah, that can't be. If that's the case, you're out of luck. A guy as irresponsible as me, I can take you on, but taking responsibility is out of the question."