Chapter 3: Just did it for her directly

Zhang Xiaowei was truly in a difficult position.

He and Dawei had played together since they were kids, and although they were cousins, they were closer than brothers.

But now, being asked to sleep with Dawei's wife was something he simply couldn't bring himself to do, an act worse than that of a beast.

After a long wait, seeing that Zhang Xiaowei had not responded,

the old lady's face changed, and so did her attitude.

"Xiaowei, don't feel burdened. Doing this wouldn't only not wrong your brother Dawei, but he would even have to thank you for it."

This statement utterly confused Zhang Xiaowei.

What man would willingly accept another man sleeping with his wife?

"Grandma, if I sleep with Dawei's wife, how could he possibly thank me? He's more likely to beat me to death!"

The old lady frowned, exuding a disappointed air.

"With the half-dead state Dawei's in, are you still afraid of him beating you?"

Another sigh escaped the old lady as she turned to look at Dawei lying in the bed.

"The doctor said he's brain dead, he will never wake up again in this lifetime, nothing but a slab of flesh requiring people's support. At my age, how many more years can I look after him? If I go to heaven one day, what if Hongmei abandons him without care?"

At that moment, Zhang Xiaowei finally realized what was happening.

No wonder the old lady was so insistent on pressuring Zhang Xiaowei to provide a child.

She was worried that the beautiful granddaughter-in-law might leave.

She wanted to use a child to bind her to the family,

so that there would be someone to take care of her in her final years, and to continue looking after Dawei.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaowei couldn't help but feel a surge of fear.

Indeed, you never know what's in a person's heart; who knows how Li Hongmei would feel about the old lady's scheming.

"Xiaowei, are you really waiting for your grandmother to kneel before you?"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Xiaowei became anxious.

Having grandmother kneel before him, wouldn't that be reducing his own lifespan?

Zhang Xiaowei hurriedly shook his head in denial, but faced with such a situation, he was still deeply furrowed and worried.

"Grandma, if Hongmei doesn't agree, then I'm committing a crime, bound to end up in prison."

Zhang Xiaowei panicked; he still couldn't bring himself to agree.

Even if he disregarded his relationship with Dawei, he still had to consider the consequences of such action.

"She's a daughter-in-law of our Zhang family, it's not up to her to throw tantrums. If she dares to accuse you, I, this bag of old bones, will fight her to the death!"

After these words, the grandmother grabbed Zhang Xiaowei and dragged him outside the room.

"Xiaowei, take advantage of the fact that Hongmei is changing clothes, go in there and take care of it."

Zhang Xiaowei's face blushed at these words, his entire body becoming rigid.

"Xiaowei, if you don't agree, your grandmother will die right in front of you!"

The old lady, fearful Zhang Xiaowei would still refuse, actually resorted to threatening him with her own death.

Zhang Xiaowei felt as if struck by lightning upon hearing these words.

The old lady didn't wait for him to speak again and pushed the zombie-like Zhang Xiaowei to the front of Li Hongmei's bedroom door.

Clack, the door opened, and Li Hongmei's voice suddenly emanated from inside.

"Grandma, has that hooligan left yet?"

After asking, she received no response.

Li Hongmei emerged somewhat bewildered from the room, glancing toward the living room.

At that moment, she was holding a towel, wiping her damp hair.

Since she was in her own room, she had not hurried to put on clothes after drying off, thinking to wait until her skin dried a bit more before dressing. Little did she expect that this would give Zhang Xiaowei such an opportunity.

Zhang Xiaowei, pressured by the grandmother's threat to her own life, was unsure of what to do.

Suddenly confronted by the provocative scene before him, his mind went completely blank.

"Scoundrel, get out!"

Li Hongmei's angry shout instead aroused Zhang Xiaowei's possessive desires.

"Sorry, Hongmei," he murmured, then without hesitation, he lunged at the naked Li Hongmei.