Chapter 19: The Suspicious Foreigner

On one side was the unconscious Yuanyuan, and on the other side were the uncontrollably angry women.

Zhang Xiaowei didn't struggle but looked at Yuanyuan with an urgent expression on his face.

"Cough, cough!"

Just as one of the women took out her phone, preparing to call the police, a faint cough spread through the crowd.

In an instant, everyone was stunned.

Luo Yujiao, who was slumped on the ground, suddenly widened her eyes and looked at Yuanyuan in disbelief.

"Cough, cough, Mom!"

The next second, Yuanyuan gently opened her mouth and weakly called out.

"Yuanyuan, you scared Mom to death!"

Tears streamed down Luo Yujiao's face as she couldn't hold them back any longer. She quickly scooped Yuanyuan up from the muck and hugged her tightly, bursting into loud cries.

Zhang Xiaowei finally exhaled in relief, his heart that had been in his throat finally settling down.

"Did... did we really just bring Yuanyuan back to life?"

"Do we still need to call the police?"