Chapter 25 Preparing for Construction

"What the hell are you guys doing!"

Zhang Xiaowei quickly approached the front of his collapsed courtyard and shouted at the three people without any politeness.

Brother Dao heard the noise and calmly turned his head to glance at Zhang Xiaowei.

"I have been invited by your village to preside over the construction of the Ma Wang Temple, may I ask who you are?" said the Taoist priest.

Listening to Brother Dao's pedantic words, Zhang Xiaowei's face immediately showed disgust.

If it hadn't been for seeing your true colors at the alley entrance just now, I might have actually believed your nonsense.

Muttering a curse, Zhang Xiaowei jutted his chin out and said discontentedly, "This is my yard, please get out!"

"I'm sorry, but the location of the Ma Wang Temple was decided by all the villagers. I am only responsible for the construction; for other matters, you should talk to the village," Brother Dao said, nonchalantly pushing all the problems onto the villagers' shoulders.