Chapter 34 Village Committee Affairs

With suspicion in his heart, Zhang Xiaowei hurriedly got up and went outside.

If he couldn't figure out the source of that strange noise, Zhang Xiaowei wouldn't be able to sleep.

But just as he was about to check the yard, the sound suddenly stopped.

Zhang Xiaowei's brows furrowed tightly, and after waiting for a long time, he didn't hear the noise again.

There was no helping it; he had to let it go.

Zhang Xiaowei went back to bed, and before long, he fell asleep again.

The next day, the sky had cleared.

Zhang Xiaowei got up early, washed up, and then went to the kitchen to cook.

After Li Hongmei got injured, it was Zhang Xiaowei who had to take on all the household chores.

There really wasn't much in the kitchen.

Zhang Xiaowei could only cook some porridge and brought it to Great Grandma and Li Hongmei.

As for his cousin, Dawei, he also had porridge, but Great Grandma took over the task without asking for his help.