Chapter 37 Returning It

Kissing Zhang Xiaowei on the cheek had already been a huge sacrifice for Sun Qian.

Yet the bald man still didn't believe in their relationship and had the audacity to make an even more outrageous demand.

With her face flushed red, Sun Qian looked at Zhang Xiaowei, troubled.

What to do?

Do I really have to kiss him?

I haven't even had a boyfriend, and that just now was my first time kissing a guy.

Do I really have to give him my first kiss?

Her heart in turmoil, Sun Qian couldn't make a decision for a long time.

Suddenly, a strong hand encircled her slender waist.

Before Sun Qian could react, Zhang Xiaowei's face was already close to hers.

It all happened too fast.

It wasn't until Zhang Xiaowei sealed her lips that she realized her first kiss had just been stolen.

Sun Qian's mind went blank in an instant.

She even forgot to resist, allowing Zhang Xiaowei to embrace her like that.

After a while, Zhang Xiaowei finally let her go and looked at the bald man.