Chapter 39 Playing the YIN


Li Yanyan screamed in fright, covering her eyes in response to the scene before her.

Zhang Xiaowei saw the dagger's cold gleam as it thrust towards him but showed no fear.

He executed a capture technique, bypassing the dagger and firmly seizing the wrists of the young thug.


Accompanied by a scream of agony from the young thug, the folding knife clattered to the ground.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!"

Zhang Xiaowei's grip tightened, and the young thug kept crying out in pain.

"Hang in there; I'll go call over all our brothers!"

The bleached-blonde thug who had been slapped twice saw how fierce Zhang Xiaowei was and didn't have the courage to help his brother.

After yelling, he bolted for the door.

The girl behind the counter burst into malicious laughter upon hearing the bleached-blonde's words.


Zhang Xiaowei swore angrily, flinging the young thug away.

Forehead beading with cold sweat from the pain, the young thug's sore wrist shook uncontrollably.