Chapter 89 Shopping

Liu Yan's condition is very bad, her heart has become especially fragile and could be in danger of life-threatening issues at any time.

If she doesn't follow Zhang Xiaowei's advice, it would be difficult for him to guarantee her safety.

Now, she's still unwilling to give up matters related to work.

This made it extremely difficult for Zhang Xiaowei.

After pondering for a long while, Zhang Xiaowei still decided to lend her a helping hand.

"I will prescribe you a formula first, have the medicine prepared according to my prescription, and you must drink it twice daily. In addition, you must make sure to rest, and not work for more than eight hours."

"Moreover, during work intervals you must rest. Don't sit or stand for prolonged periods, and be sure to move your limbs frequently. Pay attention to the ventilation in the room, as well as issues with your diet."