Chapter 116: Magical Discovery

After everyone had left, Sun Qian grabbed Zhang Xiaowei and began to interrogate him.

Zhang Xiaowei felt overwhelmed by the question.

It just never ends, what does my money have to do with you?

Why do I have to tell you where all this money comes from?

Zhang Xiaowei was angry inside, but he didn't take it out on Sun Qian.

He hesitated for a moment and finally decided to clear things up, to prevent Sun Qian from nagging him in the future.

"Fine, since you really want to know, I'll explain everything."

He paused, then started from the beginning.

"Remember the day I returned from selling matsutake mushrooms, I brought back thirty thousand, right?"

Sun Qian remembered this and immediately nodded in acknowledgment.

"That thirty thousand was actually given to me by the boss as a thank you. As for buying the matsutake mushrooms, she did give me ten thousand as a helping fee, which you can think of as the difference."