Chapter 134: Discussing Cooperation Again

Zhang Xiaowei only managed to sleep for a brief two hours at noon before he woke up.

Although the funeral arrangements for his Grandmother and Dawei had been taken care of, the work in the fields still needed to continue, and couldn't all be left to Luo Yujiao and Li Yanyan, the mother and daughter.

Zhang Xiaowei washed his face and went straight to Luo Yujiao's house.

As it happened, the mother and daughter were also about to head to the fields.

"Aunt Luo, bring the herbal seeds with you, let's plant the turned-over soil this afternoon," he said.

Zhang Xiaowei couldn't wait a moment longer, eager to see if Willow Dew would truly be miraculous.

Luo Yujiao and Li Yanyan felt relieved seeing Zhang Xiaowei recover so quickly after just having buried his family members.

After all, in their eyes, the accident must have been a tremendous blow to Zhang Xiaowei.

Upon reaching the fields, Zhang Xiaowei left the sowing to Luo Yujiao and Li Yanyan, and he continued plowing.