Chapter 185: All Fooling Fools


Sun Qian's father had already reached the staircase when he suddenly heard Zhang Pu's words and had to turn back.

"Alright, then I'll take it all."

With that said, Sun Qian's father immediately called out, "Wife, come help me with this."

Soon, Sun Qian's mother also arrived in the living room.

Seeing that Sun Qian's parents were both present, Zhang Xiaowei spoke in a grave tone, "Uncle, Auntie, I think it's better not to accept his gift."

Upon hearing this, the faces of Zhang Pu's family turned green.

"What do you mean, why can't I accept my gift?"

Seeing Zhang Pu's uncontrollable anger, Zhang Xiaowei shook his head and chuckled, "If this were really wild ginseng, accepting it wouldn't be an issue. But what if this isn't wild ginseng and it ends up killing someone when consumed?"

"What nonsense are you spouting? This is genuine wild ginseng!"

Zhang Pu, furious, started shouting at Zhang Xiaowei with his neck stretched.