Chapter 187: Comparing with Others Can Be Maddening

"It's not your place as a cashier to discuss this with me, get your boss over here."

Frustrated by the continued lack of respect from the cashier, Zhang Pu angrily slapped the counter, demanding she summon the boss.

With a pained expression, the cashier, although extremely annoyed internally, had no choice but to maintain a calm facade.

"I'm truly sorry, but our boss is currently very busy," she said.

Zhang Pu's request to speak to the boss was also denied, and his anger intensified.

His parents and Sun Qian's parents all wore embarrassed expressions.

After all, they had come for a happy meal, only to find that not even a table was available.

No tables were one thing, eating somewhere else would have been fine.

But Zhang Pu insisted on picking a fight with the cashier, which made them the laughable spectacle of the entire hotel, much to their humiliation.