Chapter 216: Such Worry

"Sister Qin, don't cry. I'll think of a way to help you."

Zhang Xiaowei frowned with helplessness as Qin Yuru's sobs echoed in his ears, compelling him to comfort this woman who seemed to have no one to rely on.

Qin Yuru hung her head low and shook it slowly.

"Xiaowei, you should stay out of this. If you offend Li Wolong because of me, I'll feel uneasy."

Qin Yuru was indeed a good woman.

She hadn't known Zhang Xiaowei for long but had taken great care of him.

Even now, facing such a problem, she didn't want Zhang Xiaowei to get into trouble on her account.

"Sister Qin, rest assured, I know how to deal with him."

At this point, to reassure Qin Yuru, Zhang Xiaowei had no choice but to make a rather bold claim.

Hearing this, Qin Yuru was taken aback and looked up at Zhang Xiaowei with confusion.

"Xiaowei, you're not lying to me, are you?"