Chapter 224 Acquaintance

"Everyone saw it, this old man wouldn't let him go, but it has nothing to do with me!"

The Mercedes driver was ecstatic, shouting loudly to the people around him.

It was right in front of the pedestrian walkway, where there were many passersby, and soon a crowd gathered.

Zhang Xiaowei's brows were tightly furrowed, not bothering to argue with the Mercedes driver.

The old man had passed out before he finished speaking, and the pressing issue was to save him.

"You—stop right there."

Zhang Xiaowei pinched the old man's philtrum, trying to wake him up, but the Mercedes driver seized the opportunity to try to slip away.

"Move out of the way, you damn dog, don't block the road!"

The Mercedes driver didn't take Zhang Xiaowei's words seriously at all, and was still shouting for him to get lost.

"I've memorized your license plate number, leaving now would be fleeing the scene!"