Chapter 284 Cultivation Techniques

By the time he got back to the village, it was already dark.

As soon as Sun Qian saw him return, she quickly came out to meet him.

"You went to see a patient, how come it took you all day?"

Seeing the look of blame on her face, Zhang Xiaowei sighed and said, "Don't mention it, something came up and delayed me."

Upon hearing this, the look of blame on Sun Qian's face instantly turned into worry.

"What happened?"

"That bastard Lu Zhengming, claiming he wanted his daughter to take me to see his wife, it was all a ruse. The moment I arrived in Jinshan City, that girl tricked me into going to a bar, where she and another girl drugged me."

Zhang Xiaowei had no reason to hide this incident.

It was just as well for Sun Qian to know the true nature of Lu Zhengming so she wouldn't be fooled by the facade he put on.

"How could that happen, and what about afterwards?"

Sun Qian frantically pressed for answers.