Chapter 21 Conspiracy

Although Wu Xianglian's tone carried a hint of complaint, her face was piled high with smiles.

Her large eyes glanced over Zhang Hu and Liu Shitou before settling their gaze on Wang Chen.

"My, how time changes a man. You were just a skinny little kid a year ago, but look at you now, not only filled out but also your fair complexion is irresistibly charming."

In saying this, she drew closer to Wang Chen and, while taking his arm, she cast a sideways glance at Liu Shitou and Zhang Hu, "Not like these two brutes, who are nothing but country ruffians at first sight!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Shitou and Zhang Hu couldn't help but give her a glare.

Wang Chen, however, awkwardly pulled his arm back, saying, "Xianglian, there are so many people watching."

"What does it matter if they're watching? I'm your sister-in-law, can't I even give you a hug?" Wu Xianglian said with an air of indifference.

Wang Chen gave a wry smile, "Well, that's true, but this..."
