Chapter 26: Hitting the Jackpot

Hearing Wang Chen's words, the young man's eyebrows immediately lit up with joy.

At this point, he wouldn't hesitate to seek help from a village doctor, let alone a nurse trained in first aid.

Lin's condition was acute epilepsy, and if he didn't take medication or receive treatment in time during an attack, he could very likely suffocate to death.

Moreover, the nearest health clinic was at least ten minutes away from the police station. If they waited for someone outside to notice and then began to arrange treatment, he feared that even if Lin didn't die in the station, he would die on the way there.

So, at this time, Wang Chen was the young man's savior.

In the midst of conversation, he quickly made room and said to Wang Chen, "Hurry and save him. If you cure Lin, there will definitely be a reward for you."

Wang Chen, however, paid no mind to the talk of rewards; if it weren't for the young man, he might have already been beaten up by the bald man.