Chapter 125 I Won't Let You Go Back

Seeing Wang Chen's dejected expression, Bai Ruyan felt very uncomfortable inside.

She raised her hand to cup Wang Chen's face, "I'm sorry, if I could choose again, I definitely wouldn't have impulsively agreed to marry that man."

Facing her tear-filled beautiful eyes, Wang Chen asked with difficulty, "Who is he? Is he from our village?"

Bai Ruyan shook her head, "His name is Liang Tao, he's from the town, you don't know him."

"Then since you're married to him, why didn't he come to pick you up today?" Wang Chen asked, a bit unhappy.

Hearing this, an unusual expression surfaced on Bai Ruyan's face.

Wang Chen looked straight into her eyes and asked, "Ruyan, are you deceiving me? You haven't really married, have you?"

Bai Ruyan thought for a moment, "The marriage did happen, it's just that the banquet wasn't finished when I was sent to prison, that's all."

"What do you mean?" Wang Chen asked, not understanding.